Act I: Chapter 20

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However, when Blue arrived, she was all alone, surrounded by black mirrors.

"This doesn't look like Darkmoon's Castle," she said to herself, "Yet, I wouldn't be surprised if it was." She walked forward towards the only path she could see, only to arrive at another dead end.

"What the," she said, "What is this place?"

"Welcome Blue!" Envy announced over an intercom speaker, probably stolen from the Justland Wastes, "Welcome to Darkmoon's Castle. Here you will experience a few trials before ultimately making it to the top. What about the captives? You might ask. Don't worry about them. All of your friends and the captives are spread out through each one of these challenges. If you succeed in finding them, you will be advanced to the next floor. However, if you don't, you will face your death! You were lucky enough to survive my first attempt to kill you, let's see if you can survive this one through the maze of black mirrors! Now, how do you turn off this device? Ah there it is!" The speaker then shut off, leaving Blue alone to face the trial.

"How exactly am I supposed to face this trial?" she asked herself, "Naturally, the first thing Envy would expect me to do is to destroy the mirrors, but I sense that is a trap." She looked around and noticed something odd about the mirrors. Her reflection only appeared in some of the mirrors and not all of them. However, the few reflections that did show appeared to be false. The vibes that they were giving off were completely false

"Only one of these mirrors shows my true self," she pondered, "But which one is it?" She put her hand out and cast a small ball of light. Every false reflection did the same, but no light showed up for them other than the one true reflection. Blue walked towards it and touched her finger against it. It felt like hollow like water, so she proceeded to stick her hand in it, and then walked inside, revealing the pathway forward. Looking forward, she saw, Henry and a couple of captive Kindness Star Fairies.

"Henry?" she said, "How did you get here?"

"Envy trapped us here," Henry answered, "She's making you go through a bunch of trials to find us all."

"I am aware of that," Blue said, "But do you know where the next trial is?"

"I believe it's just up those stairs," Henry said, "But I tried walking up them, and all it led me to was more and more stairs."

"Must be another one of Envy's tricks," Blue concluded, "This whole castle is starting to seem off."

"Or perhaps it is one of mine," Deception said as she walked down the stairs, "I see you have passed Envy's first trial."

"So it was you who was preventing the pathway forward!" Henry said, "Who else could it have been."

"Well, aren't you a smart little boy," Deception said sarcastically, "The next trial you'll face won't be so easy. It's about detecting who the liar is."

"I thought that was the first trial," Blue told her, "Something tells me you're lying to us."

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not," Deception said, "But you'll find out as soon as you walk up those stairs." She then turned around and vanished in an instant.

"I hate it when she does that," Blue said, "But I predict something terrible is going to happen to her very soon."

"You don't mean you're going to kill her," Henry asked with concern, "Because the only one you should kill is Darkmoon."

"No," Blue said, "It's something else. Something out of our control."

"I see," Henry responded, "Let's go to the next trial, but what should we do with the captives?"

"I'm not sure, but I think someone's going to take care of them," Blue answered.

"I'm taking care of them," Hesitance said as soon as he teleported into the room, "I'm taking all of them to someplace safe."

"That's good," Henry said, "Make sure they stay safe and out of trouble."

"I will," Hesitance replied. He then teleported himself and the captives out of the castle, leaving Henry and Blue alone.

"As soon as we walk up those stairs, the next trial will start," Henry told Blue, "Are you ready?"

"I'm ready," Blue said confidently, "We will face whatever comes at us." She began to walk up the stairs and Henry followed behind her. As they arrived at the top, they only found a wide open area with torches lit on the wall.

"I told you this was a challenge about testing who the liar was," Deception said as she appeared in front of them, "Because I am the liar in this challenge. You will have to face me in a battle." Blue looked to the left and saw Layla running towards them.

"I'll handle this," she told them as she arrived, "It's time that I face my SOUL opposite and defeat for once and for all. After all, she's the one that helped kill all of the Integrity SOULs." She turned towards Deception.

"Those were my people that you killed!" she shouted at her, "You're going to pay for all of the lives you've ended!" Blue and Henry took a few steps back.

"So, if that's how you're going to be, then let's play a game!" Deception shouted as she summoned her longsword.

"Perhaps it is time to use my weapon as well," Layla said, "Let me introduce you to my blade, The Sword of Integrity!" She held her right hand out to the side and summoned an aqua colored blade with a blue handle.

"Let's play," Layla stated. Deception responded with a wicked smile.

"You first," she said, "Make your move."

Star Fairy Chronicles: Acts I And IITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon