Chapter 16.

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"Can I just have a water please?"
I asked the lady working behind the concession stand, during the 180 weight class. She handed me my smart water, which I practically guzzled in about 2 minutes flat. I had time before my next match- i needed to get out of that hot gym for a minute.
Two voices behind me called.
I abruptly turned around, already knowing who it was.
Avery and Cam. The two of them were holding hands as they walked towards me.
"Good job kid-"
He ruffles my hair.
"You looked pretty good out there, I have to admit."
He smiles his signature Cameron Eames smile, the stud.
"Are you nervous for tonight?"
I whisper to them. Their smiles immediately drop hearing that.
"I'm so nervous-"
Avery's mouth quivers, and she reaches into her purse to pull out a baby lips chapstick.
"Av-" Cam rubs her back softly.
"It'll be okay, we'll be okay."
She says reassuringly this time.
Cam kisses her on the cheek. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously. They were so cute together, literally. Their relationship was genuine, no matter what people said about them. I had faith in them.
A kid who had to be about 12, asked me at the table, seconds before I headed out on the mat.
"Savannah Eames."
"You're good."
He checked my name off on the sheet.
"You will be green-"
The ref, an older guy, points to the band laying on the floor.
The kid is no where in sight, his coaches were looking for him right now, checking around the gym.
Darry calls me over to the edge of the mat, for a little pep talk I suppose. He hadn't said much to me today.
I take a few deep breaths.
"So I looked at the brackets, your last match, you've got a stud. A kid that went to states. You've just got to stick with him, that's all. This kid, he's okay too. Just wanted to let you know. You'll do good either way."
His eyes stare right into me, and I get a bit nervous.
"Got it."
The old referee comes over and grabs Darry by the arm. The coaches for the kid I'm wrestling come over too. They chat for a minute, and finally Darry looks at me and speaks.
"The kid forfeited against you. Get out there."
He pushes me out onto the mat and the ref raises my hand quickly. I hear people clap. I've never had someone forfeit against me before.
Throwing off the anklet, I take off my headgear.
"One more match, you could have first if you beat this kid-"
Mr. Wilson suddenly appears out of nowhere.
"What happened to the kid?"
I ask curious.
"He didn't want to wrestle you, he was hiding out in the bathroom."
He runs his fingers through his hair.
"Not a big deal, we'll move on. Just get focused for the next match, Cobra."
He smiles and like Cam, ruffles my hair too.
For a second, I glance into the stands. I see Cam and Avery up there, and the both of them are smiling, and giving me a thumbs up.
"Hey, you're the Savannah girl right?"
Someone taps me on the shoulder, and I turn around, seeing who it could possibly be.

3 guys, all wearing red and white uniforms stand behind me.
"Yeah that's me."
"You've got to wrestle David next-"
The tallest one says.
I just look at them, not really caring. I bet they were going to talk trash or say something smart to me.
"He said he's going to hurt you."
The short one snickers.
"You'd better watch out. He says you're not that good, so he can beat you."
"That's cool."
I cross my arms and turn back around.
"Don't you care? Like do you want me to say something to him?"
I turn back around, a little frustrated.
"I don't really care. At all. He can beat me, cool."
One of them looks shocked, and in the corner of the gym I see a kid with a shaved head, glaring at me. He's wearing a red and white singlet, and he's basically watching my every move.
I notice he flexes whenever I look at him.
"Ok, David."
I say in my head. Shaking him off, I watch the match in front of me.
Someone bumps into me seconds later, catching me off guard. It startles me a bit.
Looking at me, is the David kid.
He then gives me the dirtiest look I've ever seen in my life, and the corners of his mouth curl up into a grin.
We just stare at each other, not saying anything.
I couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm Savannah, nice to meet you."
I stick my hand out.
He reaches for it, and shakes it, hard.
I can't help but notice his breathing is a bit heavy.
"Yeah, I know-"
He snaps at me, then crossing his arms and flexing on purpose. His arms weren't that big, funny.
A guy that has to be his father places a hand on his shoulder.
"Let's get ready for your next match."
He says, looking directly at me.
"Nice to meet you David-"
I say over my shoulder, smiling.
I hear them both snicker.
"What a joke-" His dad says, loud enough for me to hear.

It makes me laugh out loud, it really does.
"And next up, for the 106 weight class, is David Hemp and Savannah Eames."
"You ready?"
Mr. Wilson gives me a high five.
I admit.
"Don't be. Just be the best you can be."
We both glance across the mat, at David pacing, and jumping up and down. His dad is pumping him up too, yelling demands at him.

They see us, and his dad slips us the finger. I look at Mr. Wilson, and there's a blank expression on his face. He finally chuckles out loud to himslef.

"Let me rephrase that. Kick his ass, and I'll make you team captain."

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