Questions/Answers pt 2.

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So, I've decided to share more of what i think. I get this question alot still, Why did you join wrestling? Well, I will explain in further detail. The sport has been in my life a very long time, back when my brother was 4 years old and starting out. I went to his first practice, and i was hooked. I  was in 5th grade then, (9th currently) and i wanted to wrestle. My dad wouldn't let me, he said boys were  stronger, bigger, and they would touch me. fast forward two more years, and he finally let me. i asked him every day, until pee wee sign ups. i finally  got to do the sport i loved. Not as early as i wanted, but I still got to do it. It wasn't easy. i worked my ass off trying to learn everything. I will never forget the first tourney i ever did- i came in first. I  was shocked at myself. I went out there, i was aggressive and didn't give up. Then, i did it my 8th grade year, modified. I ended up going 5-3 that season. Now, my JV season  just ended, and i was upset about that. I'll still do tourneys, and girls tourneys too. I came in 2nd at girls nationals last summer- another surprise to me, I went to a camp, learned some more. Next years season will be different, that's for sure. So  no, I NEVER JOINED TO PROVE A POINT OR TRY OUT. I DID IT BECAUSE I FREAKING AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SPORT. that leads me to my next question. Should girls wrestle? Here is my honest opinion. Not all can, only some. But the one's that do are successful. They don't half ass it either. They go all out. And to be a great wrestler, you have to go ALL OUT. If anyone wants any more answers, don't hesitate to ask or message me. Enjoy guys. 

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