Chapter 26

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I was finally on winter break.

The cold air in my room felt chillier than usual, a sign that Christmas was soon nearing. It was weird, it didn't feel like it though, as I rubbed my eyes, I noticed a newspaper lying under my door, dad, mom or even cam must've slid it under the door.

Throwing my covers back, I knew exactly what the article was the moment my eyes landed on the picture.


"Once again, this Saturday morning at Willexburg Junior High, eighth grader Savannah "cobra" Eames takes first. This is her second first place win this season, as I was speaking to Coaches Jack Wilson and Darry Corbin. They had some great news. Savannah is one more match away from winning her 100th career win, "a big feat for us-" Jack Wilson tells me. 6 years of wrestling and 99 wins. "she does great things." Assistant Coach Darry Corbin adds. "She's our firecracker, and our season is almost over, her record is pretty good,sectionals are coming up, then states. We're waiting to see how she performs then." He says, then adding: "It could go either way, since her record is good, if she places higher than 2nd, she can be qualified for states. That's another milestone for her, and we are still proud of how she is working, as it's at this time of the season where everyone slacks off, and they get tired of it. Not her. She still shows a strong passion for it." Corbin adds. " We have a solid team this season." Also placing good for the Bears was Tanner Adderson, (126) taking second, and Brayden Mejewski, (120) taking second as well. The bears took second overall as a team, and we wish them luck during the next few weeks as this season comes to a close. - Charles Lewis.

The picture was of me cheesing and holding the first place trophy. My heart stopped a little bit reading what Darry and Coach Wilson said about me, that made me feel good inside, knowing that two coaches I had cared about how I did, and wanted me to exceed.

My heart smiled a little.


Christmas was in five days, and again, it didn't feel like it. As you got older, certain holidays just didn't have the special meanings anymore. Now, mom and Dad just brought out Cam and I's gifts later on in the day, and before we had a big brunch, with tons of eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, all of that good stuff.

My stomach rumbled as I continued to read the newspaper, reading the wrestling results. So, I took that as a cue to go downstairs and eat something for breakfast. Throwing the paper on my dresser, where it knocked over my water bottle, great. Sighing, I headed downstairs. As I walked past Cam and Avery's room, one of them between the two was snoring loudly.

The door was cracked, and peeking inside, was the two lying next to each other, Cam lying on his stomach, snoring, and Avery on her back, looking peaceful. They still hadn't cleaned all of the stuff up in the room, "we're still looking for a place to put it all-" the two of them told me. Sure, it was called laziness. After Tanner kissed me on the cheek, dad flipped out on me, making Cam and Avery laugh at him, and me, also putting me in a terrible mood the rest of the day.

Big deal, it was the cheek. At least we didn't make out in front of everyone.


In the kitchen, there was no one- only a note.

Guys- went to work. See you later. M n D

So, it was just the three of us today.


After looking through the cupboards and fridge, all that I could find was oatmeal, the maple sugar kind. They really needed to go shopping- Avery ate most of it, and she even bought her own groceries too. I still wondered if they were going to stay together- after all, they spent almost all 4 years of high school together. A few times they were voted "best couple". I sat down at the table, moving all of the papers out of the way, and grabbed the computer near the middle, so I looked some stuff up. It wasn't long before I heard someone come thumping down the stairs, and I recogized the long blonde hair in a ponytail.

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