Chapter 21

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I just looked at Tanner, not saying anything. 

This was the new kid Mr. Wilson had told me about? Well, wow.

"Wait, you're the new kid he told me about?" I blurt out, then covering my mouth, cringing. That was a stupid thing to say to someone you've just met.

"Uh, yeah." He chuckled softly to himself. 

"Sit down silly!" 

Paige jumps from across the table. 


Tanner grabs a chair from another table, and moves it across from me, sitting near her. She's all smiles at him. 

"So, now that you know my name, I have to know about you." 

Tanner says to me, crossing his arms and grinning. 

"No, you tell me about you and then I'll explain-"

I argue with him, while getting out a power bar, the chocolate kind, my favorite.

"I guess I'll tell you a little bit about myself. I wrestled in Iowa, at one of the best, toughest, hardest schools in the state. The wrestling there- It's pure hell I tell you." 

He ruffles his brown hair, looking pained at the thought of it. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I'd heard about Iowa, only in the wrestling magazines though. They were no joke.

"I ended up leaving because my dad got a new job, and I'm glad. It was terrible there." 

"What weight class did you wrestle at?" 


He answers softly and smiles at me once more.

"Trust me, I've heard about you, Savannah."

Wow,  even the way he said my name, I just liked it. The way it rolled off of his tongue.


"Mr. Wilson said that you're my go to girl."

"I am."

I couldn't help but smile at that comment. Of course he would say that, me basically being this kids tour guide. Well, it couldn't be that bad.

"I'll show you around before practice, if you want me to." I tell him, suggesting the idea. 

"You know what Savannah?" 

He says, seeming to think about it.

"I would love that."



It was lunchtime at Willexburg Junior High, where I sat in the small lunchroom, taking it all in. The new school, the new state, the new everything- but, sitting in front of me, 

Was her. 

Savannah Eames. 

She was even prettier in person. 

I noticed that she was wearing a gray USA wrestling hoodie, dark jeans, and her long brunette hair was up in a ponytail. Whenever she smiled, the corners of her eyes would crinkle, she had a real genuine smile. Paige, the girl she sat with, just talked and laughed along. Maybe, if I got to know Savannah more, I could go out on a date with her- if  she didn't mind. You know, we could give it a shot, the girl wrestler and I. I didn't tell her this, but back in Iowa, in the wrestling world, she was pretty famous to us. Coach Denmark used to show us some of her videos back when she was smaller- that's when I first found out who she was. "This girl defines all stereotypes," "Shes the real deal-" He would tell us. "I would pay 1,000 dollars to see any of you wrestle her, who would win?" Oh trust me, we all wanted to, badly, us being those perverted little 12 year old's back then. Savannah had proven herself to the tough little Iowans- they weren't easy to please. Our 3 hour long grueling practices, countless hours in the weight room, so much sweat and energy, going to all of those intensive camps in the summer time- times I wish i could forget. But, we were the best of the best, the hard work paying off in the end. One question still rang in my mind though. Did she have a boyfriend? I wanted to ask, badly. But, I don't want to make it too obvious. I bet she didn't even like me. She should though. Just give me a chance Savannah- I say to myself in my head. She glances at me, and I smile back happily.

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