Chapter 40

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Our wrestling party, or banquet, as Darry called it, was being held at the middle school, and each of us had to bring a food item with us. I decided to bring some caramel brownies that I made with Avery, she was a really good baker as it was, and they turned out pretty good. She ate about all of the batter, which I had to make more of, which wasn't a problem. Tanner texted me saying that he was bringing lasagna, the three cheese kind- that him and his mom made.

Even I was surprised that the two of us were still together, we were in 8th grade afterall, and relationships at our age didn't last long. The two of us were different, so I had faith in us that we were going to last. I just wasn't sure how long though.

I stepped through the doors at 6:05, 5 minutes late, which they were going to make fun of me for.

"Hey, look who it is!"

All eyes turned to me, and I waved at everyone.

"I'm finally here!"

"Our state champ, give me 500 push ups!"

Darry says as he walks over to me, and takes the container of brownies out of my hands. He eyes them, and takes the wrapping off the top.

"Man, these look good. I'll have one now to check them-"

He takes the biggest one out, and he moans as he eats it, causing quite a scene.


I laugh at him, and everyone else does too. I scan the place looking for an empty table, and see Tanner waving to me. He gets up and pulls out a chair for me to sit in. A grin is plastered across his face as I sit down.

"My babe, what's up? Don't you see all that food, I'm freaking starving."

We both giggle, and look around. Tanner was absolutely adorable, there was no denying that.

"You're really going to like the lasagna my mom and I made."

"Am I?"

I grin at him, and he takes my hand in his.

" I just know it, my state champ."

"Hey, our happy couple, y'all can get food now."

Darry walks past us with his plate already filled, something I've come to expect from him.

"Let's go-"

I follow him up, and my mouth waters. All of it, looked delicious. I grabbed alot of it since I didn't have to worry about making weight for a while, and sat back down. We just talked for a while, about alot of different things really, like states, our nephew or niece, Taylor, and more wrestling.

"I can't believe wrestling is over-"

Brayden walks up to the table, and pulls a chair out, sitting across from us. Tanner and I exchange glances, confused. Why was he even over here if he hated us? What was his problem anyway? He had this thing against Tanner, and was a thing with Paige anyway.

"I can't believe it either-"

Tanner says, and takes a sip of his lemonade. This was just weird.

"So, I know that the three of us don't get along very well, I know that. I just wanted to tell you guys that i'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused."

Okay, so I wasn't expecting, that.

"And, I was wondering if we could all start fresh."

Well, I didn't expect him to be this nice about it.

"You're sorry?"

I suddenly blurt out, confused. Tanner gives me a look.

"Yes, I am. I am, so, so sorry Savannah."

It's at that moment I realize that he's being sincere, I can see it in those green eyes of this. Brayden meant it. He did.

"Well, I accept your apology."

Tanner gets up, and shakes his hand, and they smile at each other, having a little moment.

"Savannah?" Tanner looks at me, waiting for my response. Still, there was a part of me telling me this was all a joke, that he was going to say, "just kidding" and walk away laughing. But, maybe it wasn't. I wanted to forgive him, since we all were going into high school next year, and have a clean slate with everyone.

"Well, I'm sorry if I've done anything too. And, I accept your apology."

Brayden's eyes turn a deep green, something I noticed back when we used to like each other, and it meant that he was happy.

"Thank you."

He whispers softly, and looks away for a second at everyone.

"Can I have Y'alls attention?"

Darry suddenly annouces, making me jump a bit in my chair.

"Jack and I have our speeches about all the kids that we would like to share. Be prepared for some of them."

A few of us snicker, and he claps his hands together.

"So." Mr. Wilson looks at us, and shifts his feet. I swear, now that I look at him, he hasn't aged a bit.

"I'll start with Tanner Adderson."

Everyone looks at him, and I can see his cheeks get red. Like me, he hated being the center of attention.

"So, you were the one who moved here from Iowa. I love it there, it's a bunch of badasses."

Brayden laughs out loud at that.

"So, you came, you wrestled, and you showed me that you wanted to be on the team. You placed second at sectionals, blowing my mind in that last match. Whatever they taught you back there, it sure as hell worked. You're a hard worker, and you never gave up, one of my favorite things about you. I wish you the best of luck in this sport. Darry, am I missing anything?"

"Hmm." Darry stands there, thinking for a second, and he fixes his black and camo hat.

"Oh, yeah. You and Savannah make such a cute couple too!"

This time the whole place laughs, and my cheeks get red.

"Oh, that's right. In all of my years, I've never had a team relationship before. That was a first."

Mr. Wilson laughs, and I do too. He continues to talk about everyone, and finally, he says my name.

"Savannah Cobra Eames."

The way it comes out of his mouth, like he was planning it.

"I honestly don't know where to begin really, but I'll try. Eames, you've made history. Enough said, you've made a legacy out of yourself, proved so many people wrong, broke gender barriers, everything. Wrestling will be different because of you now. Now, I guess I'll have to coach a girl's team now."

He smiles, and continues.

"From the day I first met you, I considered you to be the daughter I never had, I've watched you grow up, in so many ways, and I couldn't be any more proud of you. I-"

His eyes were glossy, as if he was going to start crying. Any more words, and I was too.

"I wish only the best for you, wherever you go. Whatever you end up doing, I'll be there supporting you. I will never forget you as long as I live. You changed my life, Savannah. And, I can never thank you enough for that. You're going to go far, just you wait. You know, I can see you wrestling in college, or hell, even in the olympics. I can see it now."

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