Chapter 20.

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When I walked through the back doors to head to the wrestling room,even outside I didn't hear Darry's loud mouth, or Mr. Wilson laughing at him. It was dull. A few kids hung outside the doors, talking quietly. One was Sean, the other was Freddy.
"You don't want to go in there."
Freddy said, warning me of something.
"Something's up."
"Alright, thanks."
I nodded like a puppet, and stepped inside.

He was right.
A few kids were getting their shoes on, and in the corner of the room, in a heated discussion, was Darry and Mr. Wilson. For some reason, they looked pissed. Everyone just looked at me with an "oh boy it's gonna be hell today look-"
Sighing, I walked over to go put my shoes on. I noticed Mr. Wilson giving me looks. Oh shit, did I do, something? My heart immediately started pounding. I hated getting in trouble- it always ended badly for me.  About 5 minutes later, they called us in .
"All of us need to have a discussion, now."
Darry motioned for us to sit down, and no one spoke as we all took a seat.
All 17 of us were terrified, unsure of what was coming. What was going on?

Mr. Wilson started.
"I don't know where to begin, really. I'll get to it. A little birdie told me recently that before thanksgiving break, they saw a few of my wrestlers in the bathroom, smoking."
He started yelling now.
"So, I find out my wrestlers have been smoking! And what do you know, word got out! Spectators, parents know! Guys, it's DECEMBER 1st! We have TWO more months to go! We CANNOT be getting into this kind of trouble!"
His face was all red, and he was pacing now.
"5 of them. 5 out of 17. So, I asked around. Asked the "cool" students in this school. Do you want to know what they said?"
All of us were silent, waiting for the answer.

" So, I hear it was the vape stuff. You know, the one where you can apprently blow rings out of? That stuff. Bullshit." 

Darry quietly said, but Mr. Wilson continued to pace, not listening to him.
"Oh, they told me who, and I am beyond pissed off. It's bullshit behavior like this that ruins reputations and programs! The following individuals will be excused from practice, and will not be with us any longer. These individuals will meet with me in my office at once, for we are going to have a little discussion with each other. Marcus, Sean, David, Dylan, and, Savannah."
Jaws dropped across the room. Did he just say, Savannah?
"Mr. Wilson!"
I cried out, shocked.
He pointed to the door.
Pissed off as well, I strolled out into the hallway, where I kicked the wall with my shoe. The throbbing hurt, but I ignored it. What the hell? I NEVER touched a cigarette, or one of those vape things and I didn't smoke. Why would they say it was me?
"It wasn't you, Eames."
I looked up and saw Marcus and Sean standing there.
"Yo, you don't even smoke. You weren't even there."
"I know!" I cried out once more, my voice crackling a bit.
"Why doesn't he believe me?"
"I don't know, this is screwed up."
"Hmm, I'll have, Mark, Sean, then you Dylan, David, and then YOU last." 

His angry/ sarcastic voice said as he motioned for Marcus to join him in his office.

"Come with me, Marcus."

Mr. Wilson grabbed him, and slammed the door so hard that I thought the glass had broken.

"Wow." Sean said from across the hall. It seemed like forever had passed, as each boy was called in. I sat there impatiently, just waiting to be called in.  Finally, David motioned for me to go in. I haven't ever been in his wrestling office before, it was pretty cool in there actually. Newspaper clippings marked the walls, trophies and medals were on the filing cabinets, and a picture of him and I in the corner of his desk. 

"Eames, have a seat."

He turned around, facing me in his swivel chair.

"Savannah, why?"

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