Chapter 37

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I can't process anything at this moment, I just can't.

She really did it.

The two of us stand there, in awe of what the hell just happened.

States. She won it.

Her name now would forever be remembered in this sport.

I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

Both of us were crying now, Savannah in my arms, and I was hugging her. Darry was clapping his hands, tears in his eyes too.

" I did it-"

She whispers to me, in between sobs.

"Kid, you did."

I whisper back, and kiss her on the cheek.

Cameras flashed all around us, and at that moment, I didn't care.

I really didn't.

Everyone was capturing this moment, and I was glad. I would never forget it for as long as I lived.

It was as if time had stopped, and we were living in the moment.

It was weird, today after the first match, it was as if she had become a different person, acting completely different than usual. Whatever she did-

Hell, it worked.

Now, everyone was going to want to talk to her, get her side of the story. Let them, she was now a celebrity in the sport of wrestling. Finally, I see Darry get up off of the ground, his mind in a different place.

"I'm gonna go get a water, and food-"

He stumbles out of the arena, past all of the wrestlers, and out into the hallways.

Finally, I set her down, and she wipes her tears. Sliding off her headgear, I finally speak.

"Savannah, let's go get-"

I look at a girl sitting at the head table, looking at me. She had long dark hair in a bun on her head, and I recognized those eyes anywhere.

It was Amy.


She looks the same as she did 9 years ago, even more beautiful.

It was as if she hasn't changed, or aged. I thought she had moved away..?"

My fathers words are still fresh in my mind.

"If you ever find that girl again, keep her-"

I can see that her pretty face is blank, at a loss for words as well. She's not even blinking, just staring. This was the last place I ever expected her to be at, being a mat maid and all. I wonder if she became one because of me.

Finally, her face shows some emotion, and a lone tear falls. God, I hope she didn't hate me.

She slowly got up, and walked over to me, smiling.

"Hi, Jack."

Her voice even sounded the same as it once did, and I can't help but smile.


I didn't get to hear her finish her sentence because I found myself putting my lips to hers. It felt right, he felt like home. This time, I was determined to make it work.

After our sweet kiss, we're off the mat, and off to the side, near the wall.

"I am so, so sorry Amy."

I finally say, wanting to say that for years now.

"I know, I'm sorry too. I never gave you a chance to tell your side of the story, I jumped to conclusions too fast."

Her ruby red lips are pursed, and she looks away.

"I regretted it every damn day."

"Me too."

We just sit there for a minute, in an awkward silence. I wasn't going to let her go this time.

"Amy, tonight, would you like to go out to dinner with me, since we do have some catching up to do..."

I say, and look into her pretty blue eyes.

She smiles once more, and looks at me.

"I thought you'd never ask, Jack."

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