Chapter 11

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"Second day, aren't you excited?"
I heard Brayden's voice behind me say. Turning around, he's standing behind me, smiling. It was a welcoming smile, one that I needed today. I was nervous yet once again for practice tonight, unaware of what we were going to do today. I just hoped that it would turn out okay- like yesterday.
"I heard that we get our singlets today."
"Who told you that?"
Brayden's eyes seemed to study me, and I'm sure that I looked like a nervous wreck.
"Are you, alright Savannah?"
"I'm fine."
I do my best to smile at him, convincing him that I was going to be fine, just worried for practice.
"I'm good, I promise."
"Alright, you can talk to me about anything if you ever want to, okay?"
"Thanks Brayden."
"You're welcome, Cobra."
His green eyes crinkled as he smiled wide once more, and I closed my locker, turning the lock back to 0.
"See you later."
I smiled big as I headed into lunch.
The singlets were separated into 4 piles- S, M, L, and XL.
"Take one, then move onto shirts and sweatpants, got it?"
Mr. Wilson eyed all 17 of us closely, making sure some of the boys were actually listening.
"Got it-" we echoed back.
Getting up and grabbing all smalls and shoving them into my bag, I got my headgear in and was ready to practice. My energy level was high today, after being nervous all day.
"Hey Savannah-"
I turned around to see my boyfriend in my head, Brayden.

God, he was adorable.
"Are you ready for the first meet in a couple of weeks?"
"Of course. It's going to be a ton of fun."
I say, smiling.
"Yeah, it will be." His face softened, giving me a look.
"How's Avery doing?"
"She's fine- still hasn't told our parents yet though, Cam?"
"Still in shock about this."
"When do you plan on telling them?"
"Soon, we still need time to think about all of this, that's all."
"It's a lot on both of them- I don't think they ever expected to be parents right now-"
"Alright! Let's get to jogging around the mats now!"
Mr. Wilson interrupted us and we both ran out to join everyone, running at different paces around the hard mat.
It was Saturday night, exactly one week later. As I'm finishing my social studies essay, I hear a slight knock at my door.
"Savannah, are you in here?"
It was Cam.
"We need to talk, now."
"What's up?"
I shoved all my papers onto the floor, motioning him to sit on my bed with me.
"It's Avery and I."
"She's here?"
"I'm right here actually."
In comes his beautiful girlfriend.
Man, she was so pretty. The kind of pretty that made you jealous- the girl that you wanted to be in life, the one that everyone envied.
Long, curly blonde hair that fell way past her shoulders, the perfect clear face, the big clear eyes, the complete cheerleading look. Even I was jealous of Avery. It was hard not to be jealous of her, honestly.

"Savannah, look. Soon it's going to get hard to hide it."
She lifts up her black Hollister sweatshirt. Her petite frame was in fact getting bigger. Avery's stomach wasn't flat anymore, it was a little bulge.

Man, this was going to be even harder than I thought it was going to be.
"How far along even are you?"
The words escape my mouth.
"About a month now, I think."
"Have you been sick?"
"A lot of morning sickness, I take a lot of pepto bismo to help."
Sighing, she sat down, tracing circles onto her black jeans.
"It's killing me, I have no energy for anything anymore. I feel sick all of the time, my grades are dropping a bit, I quit cheer, I can't drop out now, it's senior year. It's supposed to be the time of your life, you know?"
A tear escapes.
"Help me, please-" she whimpers into Cams shoulder.
"Aw babe, don't cry."
He strokes her hair, trying to calm her down.
"We'll get through it together, and tell everyone."
"M, my parents will disown me!"
Avery starts crying even harder now.
"Sh, Avery. Mom and Dad will wake up."
"I'm sorry Savannah, I have all these mood swings and emotions right now."
"It's fine."
I fix my tshirt, and continue talking.
"We need to have a dinner, all of us. Then we can tell everyone."
" I can't do that!"
She cries out.
"SH! We need to! You can't keep it a secret forever you know!"
I know, I know."
"We need to do it Avs, for our baby."
"Fine, I'll do it."
Her green eyes lite up, the way they always did when Cam told her something good, that she approved of.
"I can do it next week, after cheer."
"I thought you said you quit?"
"I did, but I still help out. they lost their best flyer."
Avery fixes her pretty hair, finally smiling a little bit.
"I'll be here, next week at 7, okay?"
"That's perfect."
I just hope this all works out, this little plan of ours.

It could go two ways, and I wasn't looking forward to what was coming.


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