Chapter 29

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"Jack, smile for the camera!"

"Ah, mom!"

I call out in annoyance, my dad and sister laughing behind her.

"I said no pictures, remember?"

"Yes, but my baby boy looks so cute opening his presents right now!"


I groan out again in frustration. She was always like this, treating me like I was still 10 years old. I'm 30, I'm not one anymore.

"So, Laurie, how's Chad doing?"

My dad says from his leather recliner, eating a slice of mom's famous pecan pie.

"He's great actually. We're going to Italy next month." 

I rolled my eyes at this, it seemed that my sister always dated guys with money, so it seemed she traveled alot. She was 23, and beautiful, so she never had any problem getting anyone anyway. 

"Jack, you? Is my honey seeing anyone right now?" 

"No mom, I'm too busy for a relationship now, my job is more important." 

"Ooh, wrestling still. Doesn't that get boring after all these years?" 

"No Laurie it doesn't-" 

I say to her, and she gives me a death stare back.

'Don't tell me that you're still grieving over Amy, that was like 10 years ago-" 

"Shut the hell up, I'm not."

"Sure you are." She argues with me. 

"Or, maybe you're gay with that Darry guy that you hang out with 24/7." 

"Never, he's my assistant coach." 

I say while taking a bite of pie, it tasted so good, but was also fattening too. My sister was a real pain in the ass sometimes. 

"Laurie May, enough harressing your brother for one day."

My dad howls with laughter, and reaches for the remote to change the channel. 

"Thank you dad, now I can finally think straight." 

"Is that what you're still upset about dear?" 

My mom is looking at me with a concerned expression on her face, and I sigh. Her gray eyes just stare right through me- she knew me better than anyone else.


I say, while looking up at the tv, and law and order was on. One of my favorite shows actually.

"Amy's gone anyway. She moved to like, California, or England after collage."

"Oh honey, I didn't know that. I'm sorry." 

"Don't be, I'm the one who screwed up badly."

"Jack, if you ever find that girl again, keep her. She was absolutely beautiful."

"Wherever she is, she hates me dad. I'm sure of it."

"I bet she doesn't."

He says while smiling, showing a mouth full of pecan pie.

"Gross dad." 

"Well, how could she ever forget about good ol Jack Wilson?" 


9 Years earlier 

"Follow me." 

Her small soft hands intwine with mine, making shivers run down my spine. We walk in the moonlight, until we reach the dock, out in the middle of the woods, near a trail we always used to walk on. This moment, was perfect. Just the two of us, by ourselves, no friends, no crazy collage parties out here. Even in the moonlight, I could see her pretty eyes, and her thick hair was up in a bun on her head.

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