Chapter 27

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Monday we had practice, then we were off for the week, after Christmas, and then we had practice during New Years. Great. The moment that I stepped into the wrestling room, I knew something big was up. Darry and Coach Wilson had a big stack of neon blue papers in his hands, he smiled as I threw my bag down on the bench, getting out my new shoes that Cam bought me yesterday at the mall. It was weird, I still liked these ones- but at the same time I missed my old JB elites. Maybe I would wear them again, after the season ended. It was crazy to think that we only had a month and a half left.

"Guys, I've got some papers to hand out to you."

Darry grabs the stack from Mr. Wilson, and it's noticeable that he had gotten a haircut, making his ears stick out a bit more.

Laughter escaped my mouth when he handed me the paper.

"Eames, what's so funny?"

Darry looks at me with a funny expression on his face.

"Nothing Dar, I'm fine."

"Alrighty then."

"S, my girl."

Tanner comes up behind me, and puts one hand on my back.

"Hey, you read this? We're gonna go to the high schools big match when we get out from break. It sounds cool."

Looking through the paper quickly, I read it. All of the junior high team was going to be honored at the match, all of our names were going to be called in front of everyone- it sounded fun, honestly.

"Nice T-shirt my boyfriend."

I say, motioning to his brute nationals shirt, a big national tournament held in the best wrestling states.

"Thank you."

He says warmly, shifting his feet.


I hear Brayden's voice call out across the room.

He too, has a haircut, reminding me of an elf.


Tanner calls back puzzled.

"No PDA in the wrestling room!"


Mr. Wilson's voice suddenly booms from the door, making us jump.

"Brayden, keep your mouth, SHUT, and listen to me."

Mr. Wilson nods slightly, looking at me. He was looking out for me, as always. Thank god for him.

"So, on the day we get back from break, is a Wednesday in January. That's the Varsity's big match against Watkins. They were nice enough to invite us, show everyone our team, since they are interested. This is a good opportunity to watch some studs wrestle, and I encourage all of you to show up. understand?"

"Yep." Some of us echo back.

This was going to be fun, I was sure of it.


Darry adds.

"Find a partner, and get ready to swear this practice. Badly."


Darry was right about practice being rough, it was. All we did was conditioning, and reps. over and over again. We would stop for a minute, then keep going. I knew practice was hard because it was near the holiday season, and that meant one thing. Food.

The moment I got home, I threw off all of my sweaty clothes, and layed in bed. All of my muscles were tired, my whole body trembled. We were worked, that's for sure. We had to do dome partner carries across the room, wheelbarrows, tons of sprints, spin drills, footwork, duck unders, do all, then repeat.
Mr. Wilson's whistle went off at a rapid pace, and even Darry got into it, joining our workout, getting sweaty too.

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