Alternate Ending

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"Hey Jessica, if you want to meet her, you'd better get your gear together, the whole team is heading over there."

I look up to see Coach Edwards with his bag over his shoulder, looking at me.

"I'll be over there in a second coach. I've just got to get my shoes in my bag."

"Sounds good. Hurry though, the match starts in 20, and the line will get big."


He walked off, leaving me scrambling to put my gear back in my bag. If I wanted to meet her, my idol- I'd better hurry.

Finally all of my gear, was packed sound in my bag. The only thing I left out was my American flag headgear, I had been dreaming of getting her signature on it for as long as I could remember.

I made my way though the many crowds of people, finding my way near the back of the venue, out near where they were selling all of the gear for the US wrestling open, with the female Olympic team. It was a fortune for tickets- but it was so worth it.

Finally, Coach Edwards calls me over, and I throw my stuff to the wall, running over in line with my team. We were the junior girls Georgia team. I loved wrestling, it was my sport.

My heart started pounding as I saw her face a few feet away, taking a picture with another girl. She looked just as pretty in person as she did on tv. I was in utter and complete shock.

I couldn't believe that I was finally getting to meet her.

"Ready kid? You're next."

Coach Edwards placed one hand on my shoulder, and I just took a deep breath.

"As I'll ever be."

"Next one in line!"

There she was.

It was her, wearing her blue Olympic singlet, with white USA wrestling shorts, her long blonde almost brunette hair in a ponytail, and her famous JB elites-

Savannah Eames.

25 years old, originally wrestling for Oklahoma State, and now being apart of the Olympic team.

She was real.

"Hi sweetie, how are you today?"

"H, hi Ms. Eames."

She chuckled, and pulled out a black sharpie.

"Oh, call me Savannah hun."

"Ok, Savannah."

"You're cute girl, what's your name?"

"Jessica Davis, I wrestle for Georgia."

I nervously stutter, and she nods in approval.

"Very nice. what weight class?"


"That's awesome! So, which side do you want signed?"

Her blue eyes were intriguing.

"Um, it doesn't matter."


She ends up signing the right ear, and we pose for a picture. I swear, my heart was pounding out of my chest during the entire time.

"Good luck in your matches today Savannah."

"Thank you!" 

"Hey, also nice shoes how do they work for you?." 

Savannah pointed down to my shoes, her ASIC cobra 2.0's that she designed last year. She signed a contract with them a while back- and made some sick wrestling shoes. The ones I had were the black, blue and white ones, with a little limited edition signature on the side. 

"They work great, a lot of traction on the mat."

"Good. I'm glad you like them. Especially for how much they sell them for." 

She chuckles, nodding her head to herself. God what a legend. 

Once again she smiles, and it seemed that our time was up, and I saw coach giving me the "times up" signal.

"Savannah- you've got 10 minutes, let's go practice-"

A guy in a blue polo, who I recognized as the Olympic coach, came over to us.

"Already? Alright."

She turns to me one last time.

"It was nice meeting you, Jessica."

"You too."

We hear some announcements, and it seemed that they were going to start with the 132 class, Savannah's weight class.

"One last thing, congrats on your engagement to Tanner."

"Thank you, thank you! Bye!"

With that, my idol and her coach walked out of the booth, me watching her every move.

She was Savannah Eames, after all. It was the last time that I would ever meet her in person. She was stunning.

"Ready to go watch some wrestling?"

Coach is at my side, looking down at my headgear in my hands. I didn't realize that I was still clutching onto it.

"As I'll ever be."

The End.

**** and that, my friends, is the absolute end of the girl in the wrestling shoes. the tears are real. The end.

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