Chapter 9.

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"She's pregnant."
He repeated once more. His eyes started watering, a sign he was about to cry. Cam hardly ever cried- he was like my dad.
"Savannah, she's pregnant. With my baby. I'm too young to be a dad, I, I'm only 17, I turn 18 in a month, Avery's already 18. We, we can't drop out of high school, we're only kids."
Cam choked out the last word, and he reached up to wipe the tears out of his eyes.
"What do I do?"
He dropped the shoe box and I saw the cashier eye us, wondering what what the hell we were doing. 
"Let's talk in the car, ok?"

I say, taking his hand, trying to sound comforting. I wasn't sure if it was working or not- and Cam took a deep breath.
"Ok." He slowly pulled out his black wallet, and we headed up to the counter, ready to pay.
"I don't know what to do."
"I'll help you out-" was all I said to him.
Or, all I could say at this point.
It was Monday morning, gloomy and stormy as I packed my wrestling gear into my bag. Today was the first day of practice, and I felt terrified. I hadn't felt this worried in a long time, and then again, I had spent the last two years basically doing nothing. It was going to be a whirlwind experience, trying this out again. 
What was going to happen?
Was it going to be like it used to be, that easy? 
I really wasn't in the mood to find out.
"Hey Savannah, can I talk to you?"
A guys voice behind me said as I was at my locker. It was Brayden, Avery's brother. The two of us hardly ever spoke to each other, only occasionally we did, when we saw each other. He was nice, I liked him.
"Hey, you heard about Avery right?"

He says slowly, looking worried. 
"Um, yeah."
My technology textbook slipped out of my hands, and I bent down to pick it up, and I looked up at him. 
"So, do you think they'll keep it?"
"You mean give it up for adoption?" I asked, knowing the obvious. Adoption, really? 
"Well, yeah." Brayden's green eyes studied me once more.  
"Avery hasn't told my parents- did Cameron yet?"
"Unforchantly, no."
"And I'm sure they'll be glad to hear THAT."
"Haha, very funny."
He shifted his backpack to his other shoulder, this conversation was honestly awkward to be talking about, in school especially. 
"I'm afraid my parent will kick her out, especially my dad."
"Well, I'm sure he thinks that he thinks an 18 year old girl who works at Victoria's Secret isn't exactly mother material yet."

Brayden taps his foot on the ground, and I sense to stop talking about this, it was weird to the two of us.
"I see, I mean Cam works at Hollister, so I know what you mean. "
"Yeah I-"
The bell suddenly rang for class, us both jumping.
"I'll talk to you later, and see you at wrestling."
Brayden smiled as we went our separate ways.
The door to the girls locker room was of course, locked. 
" You've GOT to be serious!"
I moaned as I went to go find the bathroom. I finally decided to go change into a Cornell T-shirt and basketball shorts. I hadn't worn this stuff in a while, I was surprised that it still fit.  All of the guys were ready, only Mr. Wilson wasn't there yet. The room smelled like sweaty guy, and was in need of air freshner. 
"This isn't girls wrestling-"
Some kid snickered as I finished lacing my shoes. There was only 17 of us, a good number, or so I thought at least. 
"Hey Eames-" Brayden came over to me.
"You ready to practice?"
"As I'll ever be." I forced a smile.
He put on headgear and went to talk to someone else.
"All right!"
At the door, was Mr. Wilson. He had on a black tshirt and shorts, it was weird seeing him in that, since he wore a dress shirt and pants everyday. 
He eyed me and smirked as he took out his clipboard.
"Jackson Dawes?"
"Freddy Demarcus?"
"Savannah. Eames."
All eyes were on me and I knew it too. 
"Welcome back bud."
He smiled as he began calling out more names.
"Brayden Mejewski?"
I caught myself looking at Brayden. He was cute, in a mature, non childish kind of way. It had been a while since boys crossed my mind- 
I think I like him- my mind was telling me. Mr. Wilson's voice cleared me out of my thoughts.

"I do have another coach, but as you all know, he couldn't be here today. Jackass." 

A few giggles escaped from the guys, and I was shocked that he just swore like that- unless he did it all the time. 

Mr. Wilson looked at me once more, and I looked back at him, waiting to hear what kind of comment was going to come out of his mouth next. 

"Since this is a small team this year, expect some groups of three. Now, start jogging."

**edited march 21st 2015

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