12 ~ regress & propane

Depuis le début

after ordering their drinks and jisung's cheesecake, where a barista questioned jisung's relationship with the blond accompanying him with their eyes considering they only knew the blue haired to visit with minho and jisung shook his head in response, the two took a seat. from their table a grand view of the bustling street outside was visible through the large window.

"you still love cheesecake, huh?" the older mentioned, holding in a chuckle at jisung's cheeks stuffed with the dessert that slightly reddened when he noticed the man had been watching him eat.

"yah! you got a problem with that?" the blue haired answered after swallowing.

"no, no, i don't. you really haven't changed y'know." the man sitting across from jisung sighed, averting his gaze to outside the café.

"i really don't deserve your forgiveness and i'm surprised you even agreed to talk to me and haven't blocked me again."

"i was gonna."

"figures," the older laughed. "but i hope you do know that i truly am sorry for all the pain and trouble i must've caused you. i feel awful about it, no one deserved that. especially not you."

jisung was taken aback by the man's words. he sounded and looked so genuine. what could be the catch? there must be one after all, right? asshat fucktards stay asshat fucktards . . right? jisung should be angry, furious even but he only felt confused, unsure what to make of the emotions bubbling inside him.

"why are you telling me this? why bother?"

"this may be selfish but the guilt's been eating at me for so long and i knew i needed to find a way to make it up to you. to you and soomin. i want to be there for you both and i don't want soomin to grow up fatherless, i-" his voice cracked and the older met jisung's eyes that widened as he noticed the blond's eyes glisten with tears. "goddammit, i don't want her to go through what i went through."

at this jisung's heart ached a little. he remembered some of his last words to the man when they broke up.

"you asshole, how can you just leave me like this?"

"i can't do this jisung-"

"are you kidding?! you're as much of a coward as your father!"

"fuck you, i'm done jisung. leave me alone and do not call that man my father."

he didn't want soomin to grow up with such bitterness in her heart towards the man. jisung knew well enough that such feelings only lead to hurt and immense sadness. he and the platinum blond who sat in front of him had both experienced such, under different but quite similar circumstances. jisung sighed for what felt like the the millionth time that day.

"how do you plan on doing that?"

the man seemed shocked by what jisung had said and quickly rubbed his eyes before speaking.

"i did not think that far ahead but i assume you aren't fond of the idea of getting back together . . ?" the older received a glare that screamed 'of course the fuck not you fucking dumass' in response and smiled sheepishly.

"so instead maybe we could, like, share custody? that way i could help you out and be involved in soomin's life."

jisung pursed his lips and puffed out his cheeks in thought and the blond almost cooed at the adorable sight in front of him, wanting nothing more than to squeeze the blue haired's chubby cheeks. he held back of course, for he also wanted to leave the café in stable condition and with all limbs still attached to his body. 

to say jisung was conflicted was an understatement. on one hand, he knew the man was right. sharing custody would be beneficial for both him and soomin. as optimistic as jisung liked to be, he knew his relationship with minho had a long way to go. they weren't even boyfriends for heaven's sake! the two were practically strangers so jisung definitely couldn't throw the responsibility of taking care of his own child on the ravenette. that would be kind of shitty of him. 

on the other hand jisung wanted to beat this man silly and spray him with profanities for everything he'd done to jisung. over the years the blue haired's pain and anger never left nor subsided, it had only been pushed to the side so that he could take care of soomin. every once in a while though, especially now that soomin was older, jisung would see soomin's father in the girl's face. the two looked scarily alike and jisung would feel the old emotions clawing at his insides at times when he looked at his daughter. when she was four he even broke down crying in front of her, unable to contain the whirlwind instigated inside of him. jisung's toddler had aggressively wiped at his tears with her tiny hands in attempt to stop the continual salty flow, telling her papa not to cry or he'll get wrinkles like a caterpillar.

jisung had felt that bottling up his emotions would be the best solution to his problems but was starting to realize that it only seemed to make things worse. soomin deserved to have a second parent and now jisung's pride, pain and anger were the only things blocking her from this. it wouldn't be easy, but for precious daughter, he'd do anything.

"i'll talk to soomin about it and see what she says first."

the older's face broke out into a large smile. "thank you, thank you thank you! you won't regret this! i can't wait to see her ag-and meet her and, oh god." his face suddenly paled. "you've probably only told her bad things about me, she must hate me. oh no, maybe we shouldn't-"

"relax, i only told her about you once and all i said was that you left. surprisingly, she didn't press further." the man let out a sigh of relief but still looked nervous.

"well, i best get going now, i really need to go pick up soomin now. i suggest you not get your hopes up too high, i'll tell you soomin and i's answer once we decide. bye." just as jisung stood up a light patter of rain was heard from outside and jisung furrowed his brows, remembering he did not have an umbrella.

'it's just a little rain though,' jisung thought as he pushed in his chair. he thought too soon though, as the light drizzle from seconds ago morphed into a heavy downpour that beat down on the café as if angered by it's existence. jisung's face lost any amusement it may have held before as he watched pedestrians scatter in search of shelter and hurriedly pull out their umbrella's for those who had one. jisung noticed a particular figure that seemed quite familiar holding up a black umbrella and stepping out of an equally familiar looking sleek black car.

"well, crap."

"do you want me to give you a ride? i did drive you here after all." the man offered.

"no thanks, i'll just call a taxi. i should be fine."

"are you sure? i have no problem driving you and if you-"

"i'll be driving jisung home." a voice interrupted the blond and jisung whipped his head around towards the speaker in surprise.

❥ 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝟙𝟙/𝟙𝟚/𝟚𝟘

holy cow longest chapter yet it took sooooooo longgg and they just seem to keep getting longer🥵 anyhoo things are getting sooooo spicyyyy,, *in channie's words* 'iT'S sO hOt!1!1'

anyhoo thank you for reading, um stream my pace we're 5 million away from our goal (last time i checked lol) and stay safe🤠

𝚊 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 //  minsung [ONGOING]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant