Chapter 22: Fifth Hokage Cermory

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Emiyo's P.O.V

Dor the last two weeks. I and Hinata continue training together. Sometimes Kiba and Shino would help train with Hinata.

Over the past two weeks, she got better at her taijutsu and her speed has improved a lot. She was even on working on creating her own style of eight trigrams 64 palms justu.

I was really impressed with her improvement in her fighting and as hoping to help her get even stronger. I was going to continue training with her as much as I can while we were recovering from the invasion.

We should start having missions again since Naruto and Jiraya we're back with Tsunade.

Today was the day of the ceremony to welcome the fifth hokage.


I was currently in my bedroom with Kimi getting ready for the ceremony that was in an hour.

I was looking in my closet for something to wear to the ceremony instead of the usual mission and training clothes. Which were a red jacket and brown pants with black ninja shoes.

"What are you going to put on?" Kimi asked.

"I think I wear this," I said pulling out a green shirt with a flower on it and some black pants.

"Looks great," Kimi said looking up from her spot on my bed.

I nodded and put on my green shirt and black pants and grabbed my shoes.

"Well I'm all dress so let's get going," I said walking over to Kimi and picking her up.

"Going ahead so you don't have to deal with the loudness of your brother?" Kimi asked.

"Well of course you know how much I hate loud noise," I said.

"Yeah, I know just loving asking you that each time you leave with your brother or the rest of your family," Kimi said giving what you could consider a smile for a dog.

"You know Kimi you can be a pain sometimes," I said walking out of my room and heading downstairs to start leaving for the Ceremony to welcome Lady Tsunade the fifth Hokage.

"That may be but you still love me," Kimi said.

I chuckle at her comment knowing she was right. She can be a pain sometimes but I still love her and enjoy talking to her.

After all she one of my best friends along with Hinata.


Everyone was gathered at the Hokage tower.  For the ceremony to welcome the fifth hokage.

"So she the fifth hokage," Kimi said looking up at Tsunade who was wearing her hokage robe.

"Lady Tsunade one the sannin. She is skilled in medical ninjutsu and incredible taijutsu. She, not a bad candidate to chose to become the fifth hokage," I said.

"True," Kimi said agreeing with me.

I then stopped speaking with Kimi when I noticed the ceremony was now about to begin and Tsunade was about to talk.

"From this day on, I shall protect the Hidden Leaf Village. As the fifth Hokage," Lady Tsunade said taking off her Hokage hat.

The crowd then began to cheer very loudly.

I groaned not enjoying the loud noises.

'Why do people always have to be so loud?' I thought with a sigh as the crowd continues to cheer.

Everyone then quiet down and began to leave seeing that the ceremony was now ending. Since Lady Tsunade was now done giving her speech and had nothing else to say.


Once the ceremony was over me and Kimi decided to take a nice walk through the village.

Since we didn't go for our usual walk in the morning. 

"That was a nice ceremony even if the cheering was loud," I said as I and Kimi walk through the village.

"Yeah it was nice," Kimi replied. "One of these days you will eventually get used to people being loud."

"That probably happen when I am 16 years old," I said. "Anyway now that Lady Tsunade is back. I wonder what going to happen  about the Chuinn exams will any of us actually become Chuinn?"

"That a good question. Even if nobody because Chuinn you definitely become one next time," Kimi said. "Even though I think you could easily be made ANBU your more skill than the other rookies. And could have been the number one rookie if your chakra control was a lot better than it was back when you graduate which made you mess up on some of the justu."

"My chakra control is a lot better now thanks to my training for the final rounds," I stated. "But do you really think that I could already be ANBU level?" I asked.

"Of course after all you know tons of high-rank level justu and know multiple that are not even your main charka affinity," Kimi said.

"Yeah, you right. I do know a lot of high-rank justu and definitely more justu than my main chakra affinity which happens to be earth. My second chakra affinity is water," I said agreeing with her statement.

"Of course I'm right. I'm always right," Kimi said.

"Stop acting like you know everything," I said laughing.

"I'm not acting. I do know everything," she replied.

"Whatever let's start heading home now. I think we walked long enough today. These walks help to improve both of our stamina but I think this was enough walking for today," I told her picking her up.

"Good. I was starting to get tired from walking," Kimi said.

I nodded and began carrying her home. So we can both take a nice long nap after this long walk.

While thinking about what was going to happen now that we finally have a new hokage.

'Will I promote it to chunin this year. Am I really skilled enough to become ANBU?' I thought while walking home.


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