Chapter 8: Frist Exam

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Emiyo's P.O.V

Chills ran through the entire crowd, our eyes glued on the tower man in front of us. "First! You candidates from the Village Hidden in the sound! Knock it off, who told you could fight?! You wanna be failed before we've even begun?!"

"Sorry it our first time, we're a little jumpy sir."

"I'll say this once, so listen up! There will be no combat between candidates, no attacking each other without permission of your protector! And even then, the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited! Anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately. Got it?"

"Hmph. No fatal force? That's no fun." The spiky-haired sound ninja said, earning chuckles from the moderators.

"Now, if we're ready," Ibiki continued, "We'll proceed to the first stage of the Chunin Exam. Hand over your paperwork. In return, you'll each be given a number. This number determines where you will sit. We'll start the written test once you're all seated."

"The what...?" Naruto asked, confused, Did he say...Written?"

Kotetsu held up the test papers.

"Nooooooo!" Naruto dropped to his hands and knees, wailing in despair."NOT A WRITTEN TEST, NO WAAAAAAY!"


We were all sitting in different locations. Kiba and Shino we're sitting farther behind me. While Hinata was in a row ahead next to Naruto.

While I was sitting next to the red hair sand ninja who I was getting a scent of blood from. The other person was a girl from the Hidden Rain.

'There something about this guy.' I thought.

Ibiki made a loud chalk sound.

"There are several important rules for the first test. I will take no questions so listen well a

"There are several important rules for the first test. I will take no questions so listen well accordingly." He started to write on the board. "First off is the first rule. You are given ten points each from the start. The written test has ten problems in all. Each problem is one point. And this test is a point deduction system. You are deducted one point for each problem you get wrong. If you have three wrong, you'll have seven points, second rule. Pass or failure is determined by the total of each three-person or four-person teams."

I shrugged not really worried about this exam. I read books and study all the time plus my IQ is pretty high.

"Second rule. Those who are deemed by sentinels as having committed an act of cheating or anything similar to that... Will have two points deducted from each act. In other words... There may be some who will be dismissed during the test without waiting for the test grading. Knowing that those who commit awkward cheating will bring ruin upon yourselves."

"Also, in the case or any person of the team gets zero points..." He narrowed his eyes. "Everyone on the team will fail. The test over in one hour. Now... Begin!"

I looked at the test and noticed that the questions were advance, but they won't hard to figure out so I picked up my pen started writing.

I then noticed the guy next to me create some eyeball then crushed it turning it into sand.

'There something about that guy. Something doesn't smell right about him,' I thought as I looked around and saw that my teammates figure out the point of this test. It was to cheat but not get caught.

I heard numbers being called because they cheated. I shook my head at how terrible ninja they will make if they can't be stealth when it comes to gathering information. I lay my head on the table waiting for the tenth question.

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