Chapter 17: Sasuke late Arrival

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Emiyo P.O.V

After getting heal by the medical ninja. I headed back to the waiting area right when Naruto pushed Shikamaru over the railing.

I just raised an eyebrow at why he just did that and stood next to Shino.

"So is he going to fight or just lay there?" I asked looking at Shikamaru on the ground.

"Come on Shikamaru get up!" Naruto shouted making me jump from his sudden outburst.

"If you're not going to attack, I will!" Temari said.

"Hey, we haven't begun the match yet!" Genma said. Temari went running towards Shikamaru, her fan ready to strike him. Shikamaru looked obviously bothered but got out of the way before Temari's attack hit him.

"I don't care if I can't become a Chunin..." Shikamaru said. "But guess I shouldn't let a woman beat me,"  looked around for some trash to throw at him. "I guess I'll fight," Temari attacked him once more but Shikamaru got out of the way.

I rolled my eyes at Shikamaru's comment.

"Shikamaru! Beat her up with your sixteen-hit combo!" I heard Ino shout.

"If he not going to fight anytime soon I'm going just sit here and read one of my scrolls," I muttered looking at Kimi before taking a scroll out of my pouch and starting to read it.

"Looks like he finally doing something," Kimi said after a few minutes.

"Is anything interesting happening?" I asked.

"He trying to catch her with his shadow justu," Kimi replied.

I nodded and look to see Shikamaru leading Temari towards the hole that was created since it was too small to be the hole I made using my fang over fang.

'I see he planning on catching her using the shadows underground.' Shikamaru is lazy but he pretty smart.

"The Shadow possession  Jutsu finally succeeded," Shikamaru said after catching Temari with his shadow. Temari had a shocked look on her face. "I'll show you what's behind you,"

Shikamaru turned his head so Temari's could as well. She saw one of the holes that were formed earlier in Naruto and Neji's fight now hosting the shadow, "You see it now. That hole is the one Naruto dug and came out of. That's why it's connected with the hole in front of you,"

"Not bad surprise he hasn't forfeit with how lazy he is," I muttered.

"You use the shadow from underground...?" Temari asked.

"Correct," Shikamaru said. Temari hadn't thought of that and now she was stuck. Shikamaru walked ahead, making Temari move ahead as well, closing the distance. 

"Alright get her!" Naruto shouted.

I narrow my eyes as I watched Shikamaru raise his hand Making Temari also raise her hand as well.

"I lose, I give up," Shikamaru said. 

"I knew he was going to be lazy to keep fight," I said.

"True," Kimi agreed.

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted.

"What did you say?" Temari asked.

"I used up too much Chakra using the Shadow possession so many times," Shikamaru said. "I can only hold you for an additional ten seconds. And, I've thought about two hundred possible moves... but time's up," He set his arm down. Temari did as well.

'I guess it smarter to give up than to continue fighting when he was at his limit. Just like my opponent Kenji did when he drained too much charka using a kekkei Genkai that probably uses a lot of chakra.' I thought. 

"Winner, Temari," Genma said. Shikamaru traced back the shadow and rubbed his shoulder. Temari stared at him in shock.

"Why did he give up?! What an idiot!" Naruto shouted. "Now, I'm getting mad!" He jumped into the arena. "I'm going to go and give him a  lecture!" He ran up to Shikamaru, who was stretching. "You idiot!" He pointed at him.

I tuned him out not seeing the need to listen to his lecture to Shikamaru.


After another ten minutes of waiting Sauske still wasn't here. I was starting to think he wasn't going to show up.

 Until I  looked up and noticed the sudden difference in the air and out of seemingly nowhere, there was a gust of air that spun around furiously in a sort of tornado. And suddenly, much to the shock of others, Kakashi and Sasuke stood there.

'So he finally came after all.' 

"Well, I'm sorry we're late..." Kakashi said.

"Name...?" Genma asked, looking down at Sasuke.

"Uchiha Sasuke," Sasuke said, causing people to start cheering immediately at the name.

"Huh, so you decided to show up after all," Naruto shouted. "I thought that you weren't going to come because you were afraid to fight me!"

"You won the first round?" Sasuke asked.

"Of course," Naruto said.

" heh well, don't get too full of yourself,"  Sasuke said with a smirked. "You're still a loser."

"Sorry if we kept you waiting..." Kakashi said as he rubbed the back of his head. "It's hard to ask this after we've entered the stage with a flashy performance... But did Sasuke get... Disqualified?" Kakashi looked at Genma.

"Like master like pupil even down to your habit of being late," Genma commented.

"So, is he...?" Kakashi said.

"He's fine," Genma said. "Sasuke's match was put on hold... And he arrived just in time, so he didn't get disqualified," Kakashi laughed in relief.

"I'm glad to hear that," Kakashi said.

"Gaara, come down," Genma called. I  turned and watched as a crazed look overtook Gaara's face.

"What with that look there really something wrong with that guy," I muttered to Kimi.

Kimi was about to respond until we were both distracted by the guy named Kankuro speaking to Gaara.

"Okay, listen Gaara," Kankuro started. "Don't let him throw off the --" Kankuro was cut off by Temari placing a hand over his mouth.

"Now not the time to talk to him.  not unless you want to get yourself killed," She said as Gaara walked away to head down to the field for his fight.

'Plan what are they up to something not right about these guys.' I thought having a feeling that something was up.

I decided to not worry about it for now and focus on the match that was about to begin and notice Shino was also looking at the Sand ninja.

'I guess he has a bad feeling about them also.'


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