Chapter 20: Funeral & Emiyo's Confession

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Emiyo's P.O.V

Today was a very sad day. It was the day of the Third Hokage funeral and everyone that was killed during the Invasion.

Everyone was gathered at the top of the Hokage tower at a memorial for all of those that had died during the invasion.

It was raining quite heavily and was almost like even the heavens were weeping for those that died during the attack.

It was clear that everyone was sad, but only the civilians were openly sobbing. Ninja, we're expected to never show emotions because an enemy would use any moment of weakness to attack, any shinobi would know that even a knucklehead like Naruto.

Everyone took turns placing a flower on the coffin of the Third hokage. When It was my turn I remember all the times he would come to visit clan compounded paying a visit to all the future young ninja.

He was the person who told me I would make a great ANBU in the future because of my skills. I told them that sounds great but I might want to be a scientist more.

That when I first read about that guy named Orochimaru and sort of thought he was cool with how smart he was but knew he was a rogue so of course, I didn't want to do the kind of science like him. I would never want to be a rogue ninja like him but I won't lie I do wish I could be an amazing scientist one day or ANBU still works for me.

'I don't appreciate him attack the Leaf village but like I said I won't lie I could idolize him for how smart he is. Well, I did idolize a lot more before now.'

I then walked back over to my spot next to Shino. I looked at him wondering when I should finally tell him how I feel.


After a while, people started to leave as the rain began to clear up.

"Hey Shino," I said as I noticed him about to leave.

"Yes?" He asked turning to face me.

"Never mind it not important right now," I said deciding to just tell him maybe tomorrow.

Shino just stared at me for a while before continuing to walk away.

'I will tell him how I feel, but don't think it really a great idea to do that on the day of having a funeral for all of the people that died.'

"So when are you finally going to tell him?"Kimi asked.

"Today just wasn't a good day. I just tell him tomorrow," I said looking at Kimi.

"Alright if you say so. Also after this invasion is Orochimaru still your favorite Sannin?" Kimi asked as we walked home.

"I still think he a genius but I don't want to be like him. I want to do my own kind of scientific research not sure what kind but I will create my own research one day," I replied.

"Cool," Kimi said.

"You know what tomorrow I will finally tell Shino how I'm in love with him," I said.

"You are?" Kimi asked.

"Yeah, I believe that tomorrow will be a better time to tell him instead of on the day If a funeral."


The next day I was at my usual favorite training spot laying under the tree next to Kimi.

"I thought you were going to tell Shino how you feel," Kimi said.

"I'm just trying to figure out how to tell him," I replied.

"Emiyo," I heard a familiar voice said.

I turned to see Shino walking my way.

"Shino what bring you here?" I asked.

"I came here looking for you. Why because Kiba said you needed to tell me something," Shino said.

'Of course, Kiba would send Shino here knowing about my feelings for him. He always teases me and Hinata about our crushes. All well might as well just tell him now that he here.' I thought.

"Yeah I do have something I been wanting to tell you for a while now," I said.

Shino nodded signaling me to continue talking.

"I have been wanting to tell you for a while now," I started. " I want to tell you that I have a crush on you and want it to know if you would go out with me." I finished.

Shino just stared at me for a while. I was beginning to think he was going to say no until he finally spoke up.

"Yeah I will go with you," he said. "Why because I also have like you for a while now."

I let a sigh of relief.

"That great to hear. I guess we're now officially a couple," I said.

"Yeah," Shino replied.

"Well, I talk to you later about going on our first date. I'm going to get back to training with Kimi," I said stand up and getting back to what we're doing at the training ground before laying down to take a break.

"See you later," Shino said walking away.

"Yeah see you," I said.


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