Chapter 10: Akamaru Trembles Gaara's Cruel Strength!

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Emiyo's P.O.V

I, Kiba, Hinata, and Shino stopped after a while and gathered beneath enormous trees. Kiba grinned and put his hands on his hips and turned to Hinata.

"Okay! First, we search for the tower. Can you do it, Hinata?"

"Yes." Hinata nodded shortly. She brought her hands together in a sign and drew in a breath. "Byakugan!"

After a few minutes told us the direction of the tower.

"Alright so the goal is the tower," I said."The past plan would be to set a trap near the tower. The enemy most likely to go that way."

"Alright, but should we use as for the trap?" Kiba asked.

I then noticed leeches near the path to the tower and me and my team decided to use those as the trap.

Once the trap was set. Kim's and Akamaru both sniff the air.

Kimi and Akamaru both barked at the same time.

"I smell a group of three their close," Kimi said to me.

"Alright..." Kiba smirked and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Wasting no time, huh? Where are they, boy?"

I up at the tree where the trap was set when I heard a voice.

"Heh... what stupid kids." The Rain Genin chuckled to himself. "It's like they're begging to be found, standing in a conspicuous place like that."

"H-Hey!" His teammates blinked. "What happened? You're so pale."

He whimpered in pain, wobbling in place as a lump moved up through the back of his clothes and poked out of the collar of his shirt, revealing a giant leech.

"They sensed our presence." Another chuckled. "But they haven't grasped where we are."

'They are dumb they don't notice me looking at them besides they walked right into our trap.' I thought with a smirk.

The first boy suddenly froze in place, his skin losing its color and his lips turning blue.

"W-What the hell is that?!"

Dozens of leeches started to rain down from the canopy above and they screamed as the creatures covered their bodies and began to feed. The screaming echoed through the forest and they fell from the branch and crashed onto the ground. The leeches fought over their Genin, tearing into their flesh and feeding until they lost enough blood that they could no longer scream.

Hinata pursed her lip, shuddering at the sound, and Kiba and Shino turned in the direction of the trap.

"The Flying Leeches of the Leaf sense body temperature and perspiration, then, en masse, swoop down on their prey. If they continue to suck your blood for five minutes, you'll pass on to the next world..." Kiba crossed his arms with a smirk. "Using this knowledge, we set a trap on the path the enemies would use to escape."

"D-Damn it..." One of the Genin struggled to a stand, trying to pull the leech from his shoulder. He fell forward onto his hands and knees, and his eyes widened as his hand tugged on a wire.

They shouted as a net suddenly lifted them into the air and Kiba's smirk widened.

"That's one team down."

Kimi then jumped out of my pocket and took the scroll from the team and luckily it was earth which is the scroll we needed.

"Good it an earth scroll. We got both scrolls so off to the tower we go," I said taking the scroll from Kimi.

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