you continue to tap your sides as you try to remember where you placed it before you left the apartment.

"the hell are you tapping for, you dont have pockets." you hear a voice from behind you. you look back to see the owner of the voice, only to see the curly spiker.

"oh- i didn't know you were following me." you say as soon as you fully turn to him. in his gloved hold is your phone. your eyes light up at the sight of your phone and you grab it from his hold making him withdraw his hand.

"i wasn't following you. you simply left that there, and i need a breather."he said as he placed his hand to his pocket.

"nice excuse, but you're not the best liar." you tease him, crossing your hands infront of your chest. he heaves a sigh at you and rolls his eyes, he really doesn't understand why you're so full of your self.

"shut up." he says as he turns his heel and walks away from you. you eye him as you cock your head to the side, his figure slumped as if a thousand bricks are hanging by it.

"hey!" you call him. he doesn't turn back but he halts his steps.

"what." he grimly replies as he turns his head to you. you cock a brow at him as you place your hand to your waist.

"you don't seem like the type to be walking like that." you tell him as you dig through your thoughts. someone like him surely shouldn't be walking as if someone had just poured a shit hold of ice cubes on him.

"walking like what." he says, tone getting sharper by the millisecond.

"slumped i guess. whats up?" you say as you walk towards him. he rolls his eyes at you before heaving another sigh.

"nothing. i'm going back." is his quick reply. he turns his head back and walks ahead, painfully slow. his slow walk makes you internally pissed off. if any of your kids or relatively anyone walks that painfully slow you most probably would slap the back of their head. i mean who the hell walks that slow.

"you don't know this place don't ya'?" you taunt him and he freezes on the spot. you smirk at him and you strut to his place. you cracked it, he is lost very much lost.

"knew it." you say as you walk to his place. he heaves another deep sigh as his shoulders slump even lower, if that's possible.

"aren't you gonna mind your own business and go back to those kids your taking care of?" he asks in a rash tone. you cock your brow at him as you stand behind him.

"they're in the car, but you over here, well.. you seem lost and pitiful so, why not take care of you?" you end with a cheeky smile. he rolls his eyes at you and turns his back towards you.

"i don't need someone to take care of me." he replies in a cold tone making you frown.

"well, i mean if you insist. mister clean freak." you say to him. his ears turn red, as if he's a ticking bomb ready to explode in any moment.

"i told you to not-"

"ah, it's near eight," you say as you pull up your phone to your face purposely covering his making him scowl. "around this time, did you know that hobo's and thieves round this area roam at eight?"

his body poises upwards, jolting abruptly as if he's being shocked by electricity. you hold back a grin as you place your phone back to you side.

"and before you think of getting back in there," you say as you point to the apartment space you ate dinner at. "i locked the door because they're all blacked out drunk." you say as you place back your hand with a smile grin.

displeasure is evident in his figures as grin at him. he scowls at you and bucks his head down. there's no way in hell he's going home riding those nasty ass taxis, and most importantly his pockets are empty, aside from his spare gloves, sanitizer, and his phone. he's absolutely empty handed no cash no nothing.

"so what are you gonna do?" you ask him and he heaves another sigh walking past you making you cock a brow.


"i'm coming with you, no way in hell im staying with hobos."


"mumm- sakusa-san!" sakura is quick to her feet as soon as she sees the curly spiker open the door of the front passenger seat. jiro looks up at him with a bored look.

"yeah, he's with us since he doesn't have anywhere to go." you say as you enter the car and look back at jiro who holds up his palm that has the car keys on it.

"thank you." you say as you grab it from him. sakusa still hasn't entered the car, skeptical if the car is clean or not.

"get in you ass, this is kageyama's car of course its clean." as far as you know kageyama hates it when his car is dirty, words by him 'it wouldn't be worth the money if he had spent a couple thousand yens just to leave it dirty.

with a skeptical look sakusa enters the car and sits on the white car seat. sakura who sit behind you had shifted to the middle spot, ready to drool on the man beside you.

"sakura." jiro calls her out as she gawks on the man beside you. she pipes down and slumps her shoulders as she leans back on the seat. you eye her from the rear view mirror with a grin as you thrust the car key.

"so where are you going?" you ask the man beside you as you. he heaves a deep sigh as he leans back on the presumed clean chair.

"with you." he says in a small tone. you blink rapidly as you turn to his side.


"i don't have keys to the apartment. take me with you."

oh shit.

Mister Clean Freak || Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now