Partners? - Evil Grian/Evil Beef angst

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Authors note: Evil!Grian is my jam and so is Evil!Beef. So why not have them both be evil, together?

I also tried to come up with a ship name for this and I came out with "Grief". It fits a bit with this delicious angst. (I know "Bean" is an option but I REFUSE to use it)


POV: third

A red sweatered figure flew in the pitch black of the night, looking for a certain base. They didn't know where it was, but they hoped they would find it.

You see, this figure was evil. And when you're an evil hermit who is also a watcher, you can sense other evil hermits. And one they had noticed was a man named Beef. The two hadn't talked much, since they barely knew each other, but the figure wanted to propose that the two work together to do... evil deeds.

The person smiled, their hand curling around some TNT they held.

This was going to be fun.


POV: Beef

I walked around Three Fox hole, eying each building. I needed something to make. Sure, I craved violence. I wanted to cause chaos, and send everyone into a panic. But I waited for the right time. I needed a good chance, but I didn't quite have it yet. I snickered, the image of panicked hermits making its way into my mind.

I suddenly heard someone flying. Not the sound of rockets, but just the wind going underneath an elytra. At first I thought it was just something I made up, but then I noticed a figure in the sky. My confusion quickly switched to panic as a block of TNT was dropped on my head, so I jumped out of the way.

I was both relieved and embarrassed to find out the TNT was not only unlit, but also just an item. I picked it up and looked back at the sky, watching the figure swoop down towards me.

"Hello!" They greeted, landing next to me. In the low light I could barely make them out, but I could make an educated guess based on what little I could see. "Hey Grian. Why are you here?" I asked. "Well, I'd like to give you a proposal." The hermit said, looking at me dead in the eyes.

"That being?" I asked. "We could be chaos buddies." Grian said, a cheeky smile covering his face. "What does that mean?" I asked skeptically. Grian leaned in close to me, his eyes holding a twisted glow. "We could kill. We could cause bloodshed. Send the server into chaos." He whispered, and if he hadn't been so close I wouldn't of heard it.

He leaned back, his gremlin grin growing wider. "What do ya say?" He asked. I hummed, delighted by the idea. But I'd need someone dedicated to the cause. "Only if you prove yourself. Successfully perma-kill someone on this server, and I'll be your ally." I offered.

Grian turned his gaze to the sky, without turning his head. He looked as if he was considering it. Then he burst out laughing. "Of course! Why wouldn't I take that opportunity?" He joked. His gaze turned back to me. "Any rules?" He asked. I just looked at him confused.

The shorter hermit sighed, annoyed at me for not getting him. "I mean who I should and shouldn't." He said. I murmured a small 'oh' in response. "You can't touch the nho. Also I call dibs on Keralis." I said, glaring daggers into Grian. Grian nodded, a delighted smile etched across his face. He seemed... awfully cheery about this.

"Okay.... how about Cub? Can I kill him?" Grian asked after a moment. I nodded, looking him in the eyes. "That will do." I whispered. Grian smiled, stepping back. "I have one final question for you. Where did the blood come from?" He asked, pointing at my apron.

I smiled, a faded memory coming into my mind. "It ain't animal blood, that's for sure."


POV: Cub

I walked around my pyramid, my eyes wandering across the halls. I decided to go into the diamond one, and when I did I admired ancient debris walls.

I smiled. It took so long to make these. The coral was a great addition to the center, the chorus plants worked magnificently, and it all just made me smile.

I walked into the gold path in the center, still admiring my own work. I planted my foot onto a pressure plate, then all of a sudden I heard the familiar hiss of TNT.

Before I could react I was blown up, pain filling my body. I was confused and also panicked in my one moment on being midair. I was blasted to a chorus plant, the rough and craggily texture hurting my back. Then I realized I was only on half a heart.

I tried to force myself up but I couldn't. Then I heard footsteps wadding through the water towards me, accompanied by laughter. 'This is it.' I thought miserably.

Before I could look up, a sword was plunged through my heart.

<System> CubFan135 was slain by ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ whilst trying to escape an explosion. Permanently.


POV: Beef

I didn't know what I expected, but this was not it. It was literally just the next day, and Cub was already dead. I didn't know who '̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ' was, but I could assume it was Grian.

Scar was panicking in chat, along with many others. I watched silently, grinning ear to ear. Suddenly I heard the sound of rockets, and I looked up to see Grian flying towards me. Once he landed, I could tell he had the cheekiest grin.

"Beef~ how'd I do?" Grian asked in a sweet tone. "Better then I expected." I praised, looking at his bright cyan eye. Grian giggled. "Sam taught me well." Grian whispered, glaring at the ground.

"Anyway! Are we partners now?" Grian asked, putting out his hand to shake. "Yes. We're partners." I answered, shaking it. Grian pulled his hand away, his face growing more ecstatic each moment.

"I'll never let you down." Grian whispered.


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