Letters - Griangst

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POV: Third person

Grian starred out his window, his eyes dull with sadness. He lived on a beach, seashells scattering the shore. But rain appeared quite often.

Although everything was beautiful, he wasn't okay. He had average grades, but that wasn't enough to satisfy his parents. He came home before them and hid in his room. They didn't physically hurt him, but scolding was pain enough. He couldn't imagine what they would do if he failed a test.

Grian looked out, the rain patterning against his window. Sometimes he felt like it was his only friend. The rain was soothing. He was a natural loner at school, and didn't have any friends. He knew if he just talked to people he'd have friends, maybe even be popular. But he just couldn't.

Grian smiled, remembering the one thing that made him happy.

His journal.

He always wrote to someone. He never knew who they were, he just blindly wrote down a name. He always had the same group. He called them 'the hermits.' He wrote to some people often, others not so much.

He knew they were imaginary, but he secretly hoped that they were real and received his letters every now and again.

Grian slid open the drawer in his desk and pulled out the journal and pencil. He knew he'd have to get a new one soon, but he didn't mind.

Grian opened to the newest page and started writing. He wrote to the person he always wrote to most, Mumbo.

'Dear Mumbo,

I'm scared. I'm getting my report card soon and I know my parents are going to scold me for it. Hopefully I'll get an A.

My parents come home late tonight. I think they're on a date or something. Anyway, how are you? I don't really know who you are, but hopefully you aren't sick or overworked.

I might have to get a new journal soon. I have some money, so I might be able to get a new one. It will be cheap though, definitely not as nice as this.

Sometimes I wonder if your real or not. I mean, I'm just writing names in a journal and writing letters to the names. Surely you guys are just names on paper, but sometimes I actually imagine you getting the letters. If you are getting them, do you like the letters? Are you friends with any of the other hermits?

Hopefully you're doing well. Hopefully better then me.'

As Grian finished the sentence, he didn't know what else to write. He looked out the window and realized the rain was going away and it was night. It was a full moon.

'Oh! The moon just came out! It's a full moon tonight!

Isn't it beautiful Mumbo?'

Grian finished. He added a 'from Grian' at the bottom of the page and closed the book. He knew that Mumbo wouldn't be there to receive the letter, he knew Mumbo wouldn't see the moon he was looking at this very moment, but he just wanted to say hi.

Grian closed the book and slid it back into its place. He smiled, getting up from his chair and going to lay on his bed.

Little did he know, that in a world far away, each Hermit got every letter he sent.

Little did he know, that they loved every single one.

Little did he know, that they'd save him.

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