Sorry - Beef and Etho angst

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no one writes about beef, ima change that. WARNING: beef gets real mad


POV: Beef

Today was not a good day. So many minor inconveniences struck me. The bunny I was trying to catch died, I couldn't find the right stew for my shop, my build just didn't look quite right, a creeper blew up part of my base, I didn't have the stuff I was looking for, and I didn't get any sales in my shops.

Today sucked. And I was going to have a meeting with Etho. We were going to talk about how to make Mo's shop more then just a role play thing. Normally I'd be excited, but today I wasn't as much.

I walked to our meeting room and sat in my pitiful excuse of a chair. Behind me was a banner of a llama, and even though I liked it it didn't cheer me up.

I forced a smile on my face as Etho walked in. "Hi Beef!" He greeted, walking in. "Hello! You can take a seat." I said. Etho gladly sat in the mine cart.

"Well, lets start. How do you think Mo can sell stuff?" I asked. "Maybe move them to the shopping district? Give Mo a shop and everything!" Etho exclaimed. "Too much work. Plus we need someone to run the shop here too." I pointed out.

"Okay then... how about I give a shout out at Shady E's?" Etho asked. "Sure." I said, maybe a little more bluntly then intended. "We could give out diamonds as bribery." Etho offered. "Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of selling it in the first place?" I asked.

"That's right...." Etho murmured. "We could just make the prices higher then the ones we give out." Etho said. "Still not worth it." I replied bluntly. Etho looked worried. "Beef?" He asked. "What." I said, a little angrily. "Are you okay? You seem pretty grumpy." Etho asked, concerned. That's when I snapped.

"You know what? No. I'm not okay. I hate today, I hate this whole thing, I hate you, I hate EVERYTHING. Please leave." I hissed. It came out more polite then I intended. Etho quickly nodded, getting up to leave. He left quickly, sprinting in a slight panic.

I sat there, anger bubbling up inside me. I got out of the pathetic mine cart and left the room. I decided to blow off some steam by killing mobs.

I didn't have any mob farms so I just dug a hole in the ground and closed it off, the only light source being a torch in my off hand.

I held a diamond sword in my hand, still a little mad that I hadn't upgraded it to netherite.

I watched as a few zombies and skeletons spawned, charging at them.


It had been an hour or two, I had a few close calls with creepers, but nothing to bad. A pit of guilt formed in my mind as I calmed down. I placed a torch and dug my way out of the hole.

I needed to say sorry to Etho. I felt so bad. I grabbed some rockets and flew to his base.

I found his base and landed there. I still wondered how he built this. It was such a weird idea.

I walked around, looking for Etho. I couldn't find him sadly, so I took some of his sugar cane to make a note. Once I crafted it into paper I wrote:

Dear Etho,

Sorry. I was just having a bad day and I didn't mean what I said. I feel better now. I hope you can forgive me.


I looked around and saw the Bdubs head in the middle of the room. I put the note there and flew away.

I felt better.

_~*[Hermitcraft Oneshots]*~_Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang