Lost Forest - Wels angst(?)

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Info: it's kinda irl but still minesonas but also some Minecraft things are there so uhhhhh


POV: Wels

I drove up to the parking lot, stopping my car expertly. I was going for a nature walk in a place I found online. I was pretty happy, as I was busy and stressed and I needed a break. I unbuckled myself, climbing out of the car.

I looked over to see a few other cars, and a tent. I walked over to the tent, going inside. There were a bunch of water bottles, a small sign saying 'Pay $2 dollars for 1 bottle!' I saw a short girl cleaning some of the bottles. She had brown hair and a pink cardigan.

She looked up at me. "Oh hi!" She said happily. "Hi." I responded. The girl suddenly looked nervous. "Please, leave while you can." She murmured. "Wha-" I started. "Nothing." She interrupted. "Uhm... ok..." I responded, slowly backing out. "Bye." I heard from the girl, her voice turning cold.

I walked out the tent, a little weirded out. Then again, I was the one wearing medieval armor. I shook my head to clear my mind, and started on the trail. It was a dirt path, various wildlife lining the edges.

I walked down the path, realizing it was going around a lake. Lily pads covered the entire surface of the lake. Trees blocked out the sky above me, but I didn't mind. It was a peaceful sight.

Sometimes the path would become wood, often when the ground wasn't high enough or water soaked through the dirt. The wildlife varied too. It went from trees, bushes, grass, flowers, and more. And that's not even talking about the actual animals.

There were frogs and turtles in the lake, humming birds all around the flowers, deer running through the trees, and many other animals I didn't even know the names of.

Everything was so full of life.


Ow. Everything was sore. I had been walking around for Notch knows how long, and I couldn't stop. Something physically stopped me from taking the break I so desperately needed.

No-one seemed to be around either. I expected to run into someone, but nope. No-one other then that creepy lady. The trail seemed to go on forever.

The plants around me were at first lush and beautiful, but now they taunted me. I could practically hear them taunt me. 'I've got to be hallucinating. Plants don't talk.' I thought to myself, shaking my head. But they were talking right now. 'I'm actually crazy.' I thought, letting out a sigh.

My feet moved rhythmically, as if controlled by some force. They hurt so bad. The clank of my armor was mirroring my thoughts. Slow and tired, with a hint of worry. It was scary.

I was starting to get fed up, so I went to pull out my phone, my feet still moving. 'I left it in the car.' I started hyperventilating. I needed my phone to call help. I wanted to break down right there, curl up on the floor and cry, but I kept walking. 'I'm going to stay here till my death.' I thought. I knew it wasn't true, I knew I'd be okay, but the threat was so real.

My breath was choppy, and I wasn't getting enough oxygen to my brain. Along with me being tired and sore, I couldn't quite function. The taunts we're getting louder. A loud ringing in my ears started. I was panicking.

I saw a house in the distance. It was on a hill, blacked out from the shade. But I was desperate. I started running to it, only for my legs to give out. Physical exhaustion finally overpowered whatever was forcing me to walk.

I felt tired as I slowly dripped out of consciousness. I could just barely hear something, it sounded like footsteps.


I woke up, not where I was. I was on a couch, covered in blankets. A fireplace sat in front of me. The fire crackled, it warming me. 'I'm probably in the house... how would I get here?' I pondered, glancing around.

Suddenly someone walked through a door. I recognized them immediately.

"Xisuma?" I asked. Xisuma nodded. "You've been gone for years! Are you okay?" I said, almost shouting. "I'm fine. The better question is, are you okay?" Xisuma asked. When he asked that, it came to my attention that I was extremely sore.

"Uh.... no." I murmured. Xisuma sighed. "I should probably explain..." Xisuma sat down on a couch parallel to mine. "This Forest kinda sucks. Once someone comes in, they can't leave." Xisuma explained. "So I'm stuck?" I asked. "Yup." Xisuma replied in a defeated tone.

"How many people are here? There's gotta be more then just us." I asked. My mind flashed back to the girl I saw earlier. I guess she wasn't weird, just worried. "A good few. I uh... started a group to keep morale high. Although we don't live close to each other because of how big this place is, we are all friends. Although some people don't want to join our group, which is perfectly fine." Xisuma explained.

"Can I meet the others?" I asked. "Maybe. It would take a while though, with the long distances and all. Also you're not allowed to leave until you're all better. A first entrance and be kinda rough." Xisuma explained, the ending being a little harsh. I nodded.

Xisuma suddenly yawned. "It's getting late. See you tomorrow." And with that, he left. 

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