Emotions- Ex angst

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The void went on forever. It was blank, dark, and empty. I was the only thing there. I had been here for so long that the thought of something was foreign. Nothing was all I knew now.

I was the only thing here. A speck of color in the infinite blackness. Sometimes I wished I was never sent here, while other times it was a good break.

Key word, 'break.'

At first, I was comfortable here. No one to bother me, nothing to overload my mind, I could sort myself out. But it started to get lonely.

I thought of them, every once in a while. That stupid voice that started this whole thing. They left me as soon as I was banned. They left me to rot. Sure, I deserved punishment. I listened to them when I could've at least tried to rebel. But they deserved this more.

After lonely, I felt numb. Numb is the closest emotion to nothing, so that's what I felt in nothing. The black, inky, abyss that is the void made me feel numb.

The other emotion I felt was anger. Spite. I didn't deserve this as much as they did. I also felt angry at my past self for listening to the voices. If I had just ran, if I had just told somebody, asked for help, this would all be okay.

Out of Lonely, Angry, and Numb, Numb was the best. Numb was empty. Empty was... better then lonely. Lonely felt hollow. I didn't quite know why I preferred empty over hollow, but I did. Maybe hollow was a space that I yearned to be filled, while Empty was something that didn't need anything.

Angry, was the other 'good' emotion. At least I felt something, and angry you could work with. Lonely not so much. Angry you could do stuff with, it motivated me. But of course in here, I couldn't do anything. Anger was useless to me now.

I giggled slightly. 'Im starting to think of emotions as people, aren't I?' I thought. 'Im going insane. If I ever get out of her I'll probably kill someone.' I shivered at the thought. I didn't want to hurt anymore. I didn't want me to hurt, I didn't want others to hurt, but of course no one would believe me.

'Xisuma would.' I thought. Ah, my brother. My best friend. I wasn't technically his brother, but we called each other that. I was his clone. 5 years younger. The memories from our childhood pained me, some memories disgusting that no one should go through, others happy and playful, tinted with sadness at the fact I'd never be able to do that again.

I cried into my arms, loneliness tugging at me with its unforgiving embrace. 'Why? Why did I listen to them? I'm never seeing the sun again because of it. I'm never seeing Xisuma again.' I thought, chocked sobs coming from my mouth.

If only. If only I wasn't a weak, impressionable, naive, immature child. If only I was better.

'You caused this.' My mind yelled.

'It's your fault.'

'No one cares about you.'

'I bet they're happy you're gone.'

'You don't matter.'

'They didn't even notice.'

'You're a liar.'

'A monster.'

'A freak.'

'Just a clone.'

'You deserve worse.'

'You deserve unending pain.'

'You did everything.'

' T h e    b l o o d ' s   o n   y o u r   h a n d s . '

I kept crying, trying to block my mind out. Thoughts like that could only lead to more pain, so I needed to ignore them.

All of a sudden I saw something.

A portal.

I looked at it, confused.

I stretched out my hand and....


A/N: This will probably be my only authors note for a while, but this cliffhanger is to good to not use. 1, I'm never writing a part 2. I want you to do that. Possible ideas:

Ex ends up in a hardcore world

Ex ends up in hermitcraft 

Ex ends up in a different server (Dream SMP, Stampy's lovely world, etc.)

Ex ends up in a Hermit's creative testing world

You decide! I want to see what people come up with! You can even do something else! Do whatever! 

Bye, and have a good day!

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