"Gay" - Ex, Hels, and NPG fluff

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I woke up in a familiar bed. I sat up and yawned. 'Hels and Ex aren't here. Probably awake already.' I thought, climbing out the bed. I stretched (even though robots don't have mussels) and walked into the out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

I saw Hels sitting at the table and Ex making breakfast. "Ok but why do they put strawberries on the boxes? They don't have it in the cereal! It's false advertising!" Hels rambled. I could tell Ex had already gone through a while of this, and was tuning it out.

I sat next to Hels. "Hels." I said to get his attention. "Yeah?" He asked. "It's JUST a cereal box." I said. Hels looked at me with the most annoyed face one could imagine. I laughed so hard at that.

Ex came over and handed Hels a plate of food, putting some down at his chair. He ruffled my hair and went to sit down. "You have no right to ruffle my hair if I can't ruffle yours." I said jokingly. Ex just rolled his eyes.

Hels started eating while I just saw bites teleporting away from Ex's food. The way he ate was kinda weird... He just teleport's the food into his mouth. Makes sense, since he as the helmet, but still. Then again, I was the one who didn't need to eat, so.....

"Hey, what are we going to do today?" Hels asked. "BUILD RUSTIC HOUSES!" I responded automatically. Both Ex and Hels laughed. "We have a thousand rustic houses. Do we really need more?" Ex asked. "You can never have enough rustic houses." I shot at him. From the corner of my eye, I saw Hels smile.

"Ok but what should we do? Other then building rustic houses?" Hels asked, adding in that last part quickly. "Hmmm... I dunno." Ex said, defeated. "Have a drawing contest?" I asked. I knew Ex liked to doodle, but he definitely wasn't good at it. "Sure." Hels said, finishing the last bite of breakfast.

Hels got up and went out of the room, presumably to get paper. "Ex?" I asked. "Mhm?" Ex said, chewing. "Why won't you take your helmet off so I can kiss you?" I asked. I could tell Ex physically stopped when I said that, and even if I couldn't see through his helmet, I knew he was blushing.

"Gay." Hels remarked, coming back. He held a bunch of paper in one hand, and thousands of pencils in the other. "Good timing." Ex said, finishing his food. Hels handed us some paper and dropped all the pencils on the table. He sat down and grabbed a pencil.

"What should we draw?" Ex mumbled to himself. "plans for rustic houses." I responded immediately, already sketching out a blueprint. "Stop being so obsessed with them. It's kinda like you love them more then us..." Hels said, whispering the last part. I knew it wasn't meant for me to hear, but when you're an inch away from a person you can kinda hear everything they say.

I just pecked his cheek to make him feel better. "I could never love anything more then you two." I said, quickly turning back to my sketches. "I-" Hels started. "Gay." Ex said, mimicking the tone from before.

I just continued drawing, in the company of my two favorite people.

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