Nightmares - Two who don't belong 2?

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POV: Hels

I was walking through a familiar hall, lined with black stone. My trusty spear swinging by my side. Once I got out to the arena, I saw Crazy dragging someone out.


I was going to kill Ex. I didn't want to, but I knew what would happen if I said no. I saw what Queen Anxiety did to Clear. Now imagine that, but a reason this time. No, not doing that.

Ex was pushed onto the battlefield, he looked super scared. I held up my spear and, "GO!" Anxiety shouted.

I ran to Ex, stabbing at him. He dodged, (thankfully) but not without giving me a betrayed look. I stabbed at him again and he dodged. He pulled out a sword and started slashing at me.

I protected myself with the spear. "Why are you doing this? I thought you were my friend!" Ex said, and even through his helmet, I saw tears. "Queens orders." I simply replied, stabbing at him again.

I lost my balance, starting to fall. I stayed steady, expecting Ex to use my loss of balance as an advantage. But he didn't.

I could easily imagine yells from the crowd for it to get bloody, but I couldn't hear anymore. Everything was blurry, and I was about to fall over. I tried to stay steady, my knuckles white against the spear.

But I fell.



I woke up. I yawned, looking around the dirt hold me and Hels lived in. I looked over to Hels, seeing him asleep.

He had a guilt plastered over his face, and he was whimpering. On instinct, I got out of bed and walked to Hels.

"Wake up, it's just a dream." I whispered to him. When he didn't wake up, I started shaking him. "Wake up, come on." I said louder, still shaking him.

"Wake up." I said firmly, giving him a harder shake. His eyes fluttered open, as he looked at me, a little surprised. "Wha-" he started, glancing around the room, seeming to calm down.

"You were having a nightmare. At least I think." I said, pulling my hands away from his shoulders. "Oh. Yeah, I'm very glad that was just a nightmare." Hels said, sitting up. He still looked worried, his red eyes slightly shaking.

"What was it about?" I asked. "If you're comfortable with sharing, that is." I added. Hels looked at me with a hint of sadness. He shook his head. "It was about where I was before hermitcraft. You were there too, and uhm... it wasn't a good thing you were there." Hels explained. I could tell he didn't want to say anything else, so I let it go.

"Hels?" I asked. "Yeah?" He turned to me. "Which idiot found out about end portals?" I asked, trying to get him to ramble.

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