Ex, NPG, and Hels headcannons

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Just some head cannons. Also I ship these three together. Poly ships are adorable. Idk how they'd meet, but they'd be cute and gay if they did. Also these are the head cannons in 'Where did Hels come from?' For Hels


-Sassy, protective, gremlin

-Tries to one-up other people, and finds security in always being right

-Maybe a little morbid...

-He's in a downgraded version of Creative mode

-If he touches water, he gets extremely hurt

-Can access Creative inventory

-Can't get out of the closet because Grian put him in adventure mode

-If he overheats, he falls asleep

-Grian has a remote to turn him off from a distance. He often uses this to check up on NPG and clean him up from the dust he definitely has, while keeping him off the entire time. He only turns him back on once he's back in the Closet.

-He's slightly paranoid, although he doesn't realize it

-Slightly insane from the solitude

-If he met Grumbot or Jrumbot, would actually be very happy, but be very over protective and probably kill Grian once he put Grumbot in the box


-Rambles about the dumbest questions

-meme lord (ok, I head cannon Wels is a meme lord, it just rubbed off on Hels)

-protective baby

-Uncomfortable with the sight/topic of blood

-becomes numb as a coping mechanism

-Good friend with all the guards. They are pretty much just a really big group of siblings, even if they aren't related

-Could kill you in an instant, but would probably sob for hours afterwards

-burns every spear he sees

-Good at healing

-Fears death. Mostly his perma-death

-Slightly scared of the void

-Lava freaks him out

-just overall angsty baby


-Innocent bean

-Adds "UwU" and "OwO" in thoughts but will not admit it.

-Has the mentality of an innocent child

-Doesn't like it when people break the rules

-"Clone" is a trigger word for him.

-Trusts to easily for his own good

-Has a very healthy relationship with Xisuma, as they trust each other and would do anything for each other. The only reason he was banned was because he was being manipulated

-He's Xisuma's clone, and 5 years younger then him. He was meant to be evil (hence 'evil Xisuma') but wasn't. So his creators manipulated him to be evil.

-Is a clone, although prefers being called Xisuma's brother.

-In the process of cloning, became a demon. (He has horns and a tail, although no wings)

-Draws a lot.

-Good at cooking

-(If they were in a relationship) has to deal with Hels and NPG being very protective and NPG trying to constantly one-up his protectiveness

Ok well, bye and have a good day!

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