"The one thing you can't replace."

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So I've heard of this animatic, then I saw someone write it down with the Hermits- and I couldn't not do it with the counterparts (People in 'Where did Hels come from?'). Also I made it clean!


[Screen fades from black]

Hels: Another story I heard about myself, this one happened back when I was still stuck in hells, so, there was this counterpart, and their child was with us.

Anyway, the counterparts name was Queen Anxiety, and her child was Clear. I was an adult and this kid was like what- 10? So at least a decade behind me.

Also, Anxiety was a butt. And one weekend, she took disappeared and went to hermitcraft. Which you should never do, if you're a butt. And Clear decided to throw a party at their house!

Eventually everyone heard about it. So we all got up individually and said-

[Screen turns to Wheat, Tang, Rust and Static]

Wheat, Tang, Rust and Static: Okay, let's all go over there, and destroy the place.

[Screen goes back to Hels]

Hels: I walked to this party, and everyone I had ever met was there (which isn't a lot of people to be fair) and everyone was eating popcorn like it was the end of the world. It was like it was the civil war and G-team was coming to blow up our homes. It was totally unsupervised; we were like zombie piglins who had just been hit. We we're running wild.

So I walk down to the basement, they had a giant spear rack, and this kid (Therapy) took a running start and jumped on it, breaking the all spears in half.

[Screen shift to Cough searching through house/castle]

Someone found Anxiety's throne room, and pooped on her throne.

So the party was going great.

Im standing in the basement holding a red cup of water, you've seen in movies, so I'm holding a red cup, and I'm starting to fall asleep. And I hear someone say:

[Screen shift to Lies]

Lies: something something police

[Screen shift back to Hels]

Hels: and in a brilliant moment of word association, I yell: "CURSE THE POLICE!" And everyone joined in. A hundred of half asleep people yelling "CURSE THE POLICE!" With the confidence of guys who have already been to jail like:

[Screen shift to Grizzly]

Grizzly: I already served my nickel you come and take me!

[Screen shift back to Hels]

Hels: but with half asleep people. The reason someone had said "something something police" was because the police were there.

[Screen shift to Warrior walking down the stairs]

So a policeman walked down the stairs and saw a sea of half asleep idiots screaming "CURSE THE POLICE!". In his face.

And he was almost impressed.

He was like:

Warrior: wowwww......

Hels: and he leaned into his walkie-talkie and went:

Warrior: get the actual people with common sense

[Shift back to Hels]

Hels: and my friend Nonsense,

[Screen shift to Nonsense being a fork]

this guy is now a father by the way, this guy has a baby,

[Screen shift back to Hels]

took a splash potion of swiftness, smashed it on the ground and yelled "SCATTER!".

And everyone ran it different directions. It was like someone dropped TNT on us and it was going to explode. We just ran in all different directions.

I ran into the weapon room, climbed on top of a chest and ran out the window into the arena, I ran across the arena and saw a tall fence and went "I've never climbed a fence that high before!"

—then I woke up at home.

On Monday I went back to Hells, cause that's what we did back then. Anyway Clear came up to me and asked:

Clear: Hey, were you at my party last weekend?

Hels: and after a moment of thought I went: "No." You know, like a liar. And Clear went:

Clear: Things really got out of hand. Someone broke our spears, Someone pooped on Queen Anxiety's throne. But the worst thing was- someone stole these antique photos of Anxiety killing people and Anxiety's freaking out!

Hels: at first I worried about why Anxiety had those photos but then I remembered that it was Anxiety so it didn't really phase me. But I had that thought, and only half asleep idiots and Villagers can have-

D-did I do that?

I figured no, I wouldn't do that. But I was never sure. But I was never sure. Until 4 years later.

[Screen shift to Hels hanging out with a friend]

So, I was hanging out with my friend Mind-Control, and by this time we've escaped Hells. We play some Decked out for a bit until Mind-control says to me: "Hey, I wanna show you something. Follow me."

So I do.

He leads me to his house, then to his bedroom, then to a side room off of his bedroom - which is never a good thing to have - and he leads me to this side room.

this room is full of antique photos stolen from parties over the years. And I ask: "why? Why do you do this?" And he goes:

[Screen shift to Mind-Control]

Mind-Control: it's the one thing you can't replace.

_~*[Hermitcraft Oneshots]*~_Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora