Like the Titanic

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( Can't you tell I'm running out of ideas for this? :) Anyways you sing a part of this song to someone. How do they react.)

Who you sing to: Hanako
Their reaction: He complimented your singing and teased you a little.

Who you sing to: Akane
Their reaction: He hugged you on the brink of tears.

Who you sing to: Tsukasa
Their reaction: He smiled and hugged you and put a rat inside your backpack. He liked it so have a present.

Who you sing to: Tsuchgomori
Their reaction: He patted your head with a tiny smile.

Who you sing to: Mitsuba
Their reaction: He laughed at you jokingly but snuck in a recording because he loved it so much.

Who you sing to: Kou
Their reaction: He clapped and asked if you can sing to him more.

Who you sing to: Teru's and Kou's little sister. (Bet you didn't see that coming)
Their reaction: She was so amazed she sang it to her brothers to try and become like you.

Who you sang it to: You actually were just saying it on your own but Cancer, the Mokke, Gemini and Taurus over heard.
Their reaction: Gemini took a video, Cancer wanted to sing along but didn't wanna seem rude, Taurus with eating almost passed out completley and The Mokke were eating their candy whiel watching you.

Who you sing to: Kou
Their reaction: He started singing with you and you two sounded pretty good.

Who you sing to: Tsuchgomori
Their reaction: He started quietly humming the song while you were singing it to him.

Who you sing to: Sakura
Their reaction: She clapped and hugged you quietly. She snuck a snack into your pocket.

Who you sing to: Nene
Their reaction: She nearly cried and wanted to take lessons from you.

(Sorry I haven't been posting much and the "normal chapter" was a joke bc someone was mad about the oneshot I made on Pisces. So let's I thought let's mess with them as a joke. Love y'all stay safe ❤)

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