part 39

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today was the big day. not gonna lie i was extremely nervous and stressed too. i didn't tell anyone about tony. the only people that know are my family. i was afraid.

we were waiting for the game to start. dad came and i waved from the distance. i saw kylie wave at someone i look around to see her mom there.

her mom was trying to find a place but ended up sitting next to dad.

"your mom came!" i said excitingly "yes i know i know" kylie replied with the same energy.

1 more minute till the game starts. anxiousness kicked in but i pushed it away to focus.

15 minutes into the game, we were doing great we had 1 goal by me and the other team was still at zero.


someone sat next to me on my right side, i looked and saw the one and only chase hudson.

"well well well isn't it mr.polibio" he said smiling.

"what do you want" i said not in the mood.

"well you see why did you beat up tony the other day" chase said looking at kylies mom.

"nobody touch's my daughter" i said as anger filled my body making chases face turn from smiling to scared?

"well how about i touch your girlfriend" said chase mockingly.

"she's not my girlfriend, but if i see you near my daughter, your dead. meat" i said as chase scoffs and leaves.

"um who was that" asked kylies mom.

"he's just someone that was obsessed with my wife that passed away and now planning to kidnap my daughter"

"i wasn't planning to kidnap your daughter" chase says turning around and facing me.

"well i wasn't planning to kidnap yours too" i said as his face dropped.

"leave my daughter out of it" he says as i see anger fills him.

"so here's the deal hudson if you touch my daughter im touching yours if you hurt my daughter i'm hurting yours matter a fact i'm hurting both of you"

"whatever" he said rolling his eyes.

"what's her name, emma right emma hudson" i said as his face dropped again.

"leave her out of this!" said chase quietly but with anger.

"mine too" i said as he finally left.

"um care to explain" kylies mom said with a chuckle.

"nothing happened just two business men making a deal" i said shrugging as she laughed.


finally the game finished.

3-2 we won.

i shot 2 goals and kylie shot one.

dad offered to take us to lunch and kylies mom went with us but we both went separate cars.

"look who i brought with us" dad said pointing at the back where i saw jack.

"jack!" i said as he ran to my lap.

"bella, jack is always by your side okay?" dad said as i nodded.

we arrived at the same restaurant we went to last time. thank god we were allowed to bring animals here since i was too lazy to tell them about service dogs.

always protecting her❤️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя