part 17

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*1 month later*


"yo guys my mom is coming" i said walking down the stairs.

"your dad to?" kairi says getting up fast.

"no just my mom" i said laughing.

my dad is hella strict and gets mad at us if there is anything harmful for bella. i mean i get that from him but her over the top with the overprotectiveness.
and gets mad at the simplest things.

"oh okay" kairi says plopping down back at the couch.

the door rang.

"i'll get it"

i opened the door revealing my moms wide smile.

"where is bella!!" my mom said excited.

"shes in her play room let me get he-"

"NANA!!!!" i hear bella yelling from a distant as i also hear her tiny footsteps running.

"hi baby!!" my mom kneels down and opens her hands to hug bella.

"i mith youuuuu!"

"i miss you too baby, but i have to talk to your dada right now okay?"

"otay! byeeeee" bella says as roshaun takes her back to the playing room.

"we need to talk"

"is everything alright?" i asked worried.

"yeah but this is about bella"

i was confused. bella was with me this whole week i don't know if anything happened.

"ok? sit down." i say letting my mom sit next to me on the couch.

"alright boys i need your opinion too" my mom tells them.

"okay? don't you think bella is old enough to go to pre-scho-"

"uh-uh no no no"

"come on mattia shes 4 years old"

"no mom i don't want her leaving the house without me"

"look mattia i know this is hard for you, but bella needs education, it will happen eventually wouldn't it?"

"mattia your mom is right, she 4 she needs to go to school." kai says

"i will think about it"

"i already looked around your neighborhood, there's a preschool on the corner, about 7-8 mins away by car"

"mattia that's so close to our house, if anything happens your just 7 mins away right?" ale tries to convince me

i sigh knowing there right.

"here is there paper form" my mom hands me to fill the blanks of information about bella.

(i forgot the name of these papers so i'm sorry if i'm wrong lmao)

"think about it mattia, goodbye" my mom said leaving.


i was looking down at the paper reading everything written.

"so? are you gonna do it?" asked alvaro

"i don't know, i'm not sure"

"come on mattia, you know it's time"

"ughhhhh" i say putting my hand on my face and leaning back at the couch.

"i'll think about it alright, just- i- i don't know yet"

*1 week later*

i've been thinking about the pre-school thing for the past week.

it was 10 pm and i was changing bella into her pjs.

"dada ok?"
(dads are you ok?)

"yes honey"

she hugged me.

"i want to sweep wit dada"

"okay come here" i carried bella and went to my room and placed her on the bed. as i went to change.

i put soft pillows around bella as usual so she doesn't fall. i walk back to see bella sitting on my bed waiting for me looking at my desk that was filled with stuff.

i lay down next to bella as she places her head on my chest the falls asleep and i was awake. overthinking about letting her go to school.

about an hour later i fall asleep.


"i will kill your dada" a monster said


"and your uncles too"

"you will have no dada!!!" as the monster laughs evilly.

he kept saying the things he will do to dada and i was scared that's until i heard dada's voice.

"bella! bella wake up! bell-" dada was shaking me.

i get up and hug him as tight as i can.

"it's okay honey it was just a nightmare"

"he will huwlt you dada"


"da monstel"

"no honey there is no monster, i'm okay dada is here alright"

i nod as i rest my head on his chest and sleep.


i'm still thinking of letting bella go to pre-school. i mean they are right. but i'm scared of her getting hurt.

her mother would've loved the idea of letting her go to school but she knew how much i hated bella go anywhere without me.

i kept thinking for all the pros and cons and made my decision.

i have some ideas in mind...

but give me a kids name for a boy and a last name too. also a mother and fathers name. we are adding a new character :)

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