part 81

673 20 11


i ran out the library tears running on my cheeks.

"wait bella!" i heard his voice catching up to me soon grabbing my arm.

"don't touch me!" i yelled trying to get out of his grip.

"just let me explain" he said.

"explain what that you were making out with some random girl when you have a fucking girlfriend!" i yelled at him.

he stayed quiet "she's not the first one isn't she?" i asked not surprised.

he nodded slowly.

"how many?" i asked.

"three" he replied.

"care to share their names"  i said.

the girl he was making out with opens the door, revealing herself.

"it was only one girl just like... 3 times"

i was staring at the girl "fucking kylie" i ran out more tears escaping my eyes.

i put on my hoodie that my dad gave me on the way to school.

i put on the hood to cover my eyes as i ran out the school.

i didn't want to go home, i didn't want dad nor my uncles to see me like this.

i found the starbucks that i sat in the day with the max thing.

"what's your order for today ma'am" asked an oddly familiar female voice.

i lift up my head to see the same worker from last time.

"just water please" i said, she gave me a smile.

"anything else? we have some cakes chocolate chip cookies?"

i was lowkey craving the chocolate chip cookies.

"no thank you" i replied.

tears fell on my cheeks again.

about 2 mins later she came with my water.

she placed one chocolate chip cookie infront of me "it's on the house, just eat sweetheart"

"thank you so much" i said, she sat down infront of me.

"what's your name" she asked.

she seemed like a person i could trust "bella"

"hi bella im sydney but you can just call me syd, how old are you?"

"i'm 15"

"well i'm 18" she said giving me a smile, she seemed so nice.

i nodded trying to hold back my tears.

"are you okay?" she asked and then i ranted to her abt everything.

she comforted me and was really nice.

"would you like a ride home?" she asked.

i nodded i got my phone that i found in my backpack.

missed calls and messages from my dad.

oh shit, fuck.

always protecting her❤️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu