part 53

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mattia walks back to the living room were everyone was until he got interrupted by bella.

"what were you doing with my phone" she asked looking at mattia eye to eye.

"long story short i talked to emma and her father everything's fine" mattia said quickly not wanting to explain everything.

"w-wait what?"

"*sigh* emma was texting you bad things and i called her and talked to her dad that's it" mattia says.

"what did she say?"

"you don't know now cause i deleted the chats" mattia says with a sarcastic smile deleting the chats infront of her.

"daddddd" bella whined trying to grab her phone as mattia was raising his arm higher while bella jumps to grab it.

he throws bella on his shoulder and walks back to the living room.

"we are leaving by guys i had fun" mattia says grabbing his keys and was about to leave.

"uh- i- bye guys we had fun" mattias mother says confused.

"BYEEEE" bella says while her head was facing mattias back and legs were dangling near his stomach.

the left and soon arrived home.

*the next day*



this plan HAS to work. i have to take her. mattia always had everything especially ayiana. the girl i loved since middle school.

me and mattia used to be friends since 5th grade then we stopped after he got with ayiana in sophomore year. idk if mattia knew i loved ayiana but i think from how much i talk about her he kind of "fell in love".

i was so mad i stopped talking to hime but once we graduated from high school i found his email and kept sending him anonymous letters saying i'll take his daughter.

idk how but he found out it was me and told me
to stop before getting the police involved.

i never did.

i will never stop loving ayiana and hating mattia because he took the love of my life from me.

gosh i hate him.

now i have cynthia. i've made mattia date cynthia so she can beat up bella and hurt mattia.

now we will have to send her back to him, pretend she changed and make her beat up bella again. hopefully he falls for it cause last time i checked it didn't end well meaning he isn't gonna like cynthia at all.

i think i'll send in jora instead. jora was a friend i met through a friend. she can be the nicest person and the evilest person in seconds.

i had people watching mattia everywhere.

i tried to get them to find him alone but he was always with bella.

"aye boss we found him at starbucks" one of the people i hired told me.

"alone?" i asked "all alone" he replied.

i looked at jora and she nodded.

ugh finally.


bellas throat was hurting so i went to starbucks to get her some hot chocolate.

when i wanted to go wait for my order i bumped into someone.

always protecting her❤️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang