On the way back to the subway station, the actor kept Yoongi entertained and with his mind away from work, something that did not cost him much, because whenever he spoke with Taehyung he had to give him his full attention if he did not want to lose the thread of the conversation. When they arrived, the two went their separate ways, as they lived in opposite directions. Yoongi appreciated his friend's company, but it was one of those days when he wanted to get home so he could close his eyes and disconnect from the world, whether it was sleeping or taking a relaxing bubble bath.

Yes, a relaxing bath was the best option.

After arriving home, Yoongi prepared everything necessary to relax. Once this was done, he stripped off his clothes and got into the tub, enjoying the feel of the water against his skin, relaxing his muscles and gradually taking the tension out of his body. The fact of finally being home, taking a well-deserved bath full of the bubbles he loved so much, should've been enough to get all the accumulated stress out of his mind. But this time it wasn't working as expected. Although his body was in a state of absolute relaxation, similar to the one gets after a massage, his mind - or part of it - was still racing, as if it were a train without brakes about to derail. He couldn't quite clear himself, but at least the feeling of stress had diminished considerably;

While he was still in the middle of his bath, he heard the front door opening. The only one who had a key, other than him, was Jungkook. Despite not living together, the boy spent more time at his house than at Jimin and Taehyung's apartment, so it seemed like he actually lived with Yoongi. 

He should be worried about the speed at which his relationship with the young man was progressing, or how much Yoongi was letting himself see, always at the risk that one-day Jungkook would grow tire of him or stop having feelings for him. Maybe he was crazy to think that Jungkook was different, that he was the suspect; but it was hard not to believe it when he saw nothing but affection in the looks that were directed towards him, a different affection from the one expressed to the rest of his friends, as if Yoongi was that person he had been waiting for so long and who exceeded his expectations. 

Jungkook was a person similar to Yoongi to show his affection; They didn't do it as openly as the others, but with slight gestures. Not to mention the most intimate moments they shared. Although it was not the first time for Yoongi, every time he kissed Jungkook he felt those butterflies that he once felt and that he never believed he would feel again; It was like being on a roller coaster of pleasant and intense emotions on all levels. Although it was not the first time for Yoongi, every time he kissed Jungkook he felt those butterflies that he once felt and that he never believed he would feel again; it was like being on a roller coaster of pleasant and intense emotions on all levels. 

Although it was not the first time for Yoongi, every time he kissed Jungkook he felt those butterflies that he once felt and that he never believed he would feel again; It was like being on a roller coaster of pleasant and intense emotions on all levels.

After a few moments, Jungkook materialized at the bathroom door, leaning the weight of his body against it. Although from his position he could not see him completely, only from the shoulders up - Yoongi felt as if he were standing in front of him, devoid of any armour to protect him from the young man's scrutinizing gaze. Something that didn't bother him as much as he had thought; It was more like... exciting, to arouse that kind of reaction in him.

"Taking some rest?" The boy asked from the door.

"Hi to you too." He said as he got up to lean on the edge of the tub.

Jungkook rolled his eyes with a smile before greeting him. "Hello, Yoongi Hyung." And then he walked over to the bathtub to lean over and kiss him on the lips.

"That's better," Yoongi commented against Jungkook's lips, his eyes closed, savouring the moment as if it were a delicacy.

Even after the kiss, Yoongi remained with his eyes closed, enjoying the gentle caresses Jungkook gave him on his neck and shoulder. He relaxed even more under the boy's hands.

"A long day?" The boy asked as he brushed a couple of wet locks from his face. Yoongi didn't bother to use words, but a grunt in response.

"Have you eaten something?" Yoongi shook his head.

"I needed to take a bath first." He explained while yawning. "How was your day? I thought you couldn't come today."

"Not actually, but then Tae Hyung called me, so I changed my mind"

"I'm going to say it. I clearly told him not to tell you anything." He interrupted with his lips and brows furrowed.

"You know that he ignores you with these things. Besides, I was worried about you." Jungkook told him as he got up and took a towel from the hanger.

"He never listens to me with anything." It was a lie, but at that moment he wanted to be right. "That boy has always been on his own. Don't be fooled, Kookie. It may seem idiotic, but it is the opposite. What happens is that he knows how to hide it well."

Yoongi took the towel Jungkook offered him and wrapped himself in it when the boy turned around. Yoongi had no qualms about showing him his body, and he had made it known to the boy, but he insisted on not looking because then Yoongi would think he was a pervert. Obviously, that was not the reason, but he did not touch the subject again, because maybe Jungkook had only experienced kisses and caresses with other people, but had gone none further.

When he was finishing wrapping his bottom with the towel, Jungkook wiped most of the moisture out of his hair with another towel he had taken. Yoongi allowed himself to be done and took advantage of his situation to put his hands on Jungkook's waist and bring him a little closer to him. He smirked when the young man's breath hitched at the unexpected and exploratory movement of his hands. Yoongi loved to do this kind of thing by surprise to see Jungkook's reaction, always so sincere and spontaneous, as if Yoongi had not done the same to him over twenty times. Yoongi also did it out of self-interest, since touching a body as defined as Jungkook's was not something frequent.

Once Jungkook finished, Yoongi went to his room to change while he took a quick shower. They had determined that neither of them was doing the cooking, so they opted to order food by phone. As Jungkook finished showering and changing, Yoongi spent his time preparing the food money, setting the table, and searching for something worth watching on TV.

And of course, there was nothing.

Yoongi sighed, willing to tell Jungkook that they would've to choose a movie from Yoongi's collection - which was not very extensive - or listen to some music. Or any other thing. But none of these proposals could come out of his mouth, because the first thing he found when he looked up from the TV was Jungkook, drying his hair and wearing one of Yoongi's shirts. The shirt was slightly tight, and it rose with each movement of the boy, allowing Yoongi to appreciate his abs, the result of hours of exercising. Yoongi swallowed because the vision was more erotic than he would have imagined. Something as simple as drying his hair had taken on a new meaning for him.

"Oh, it's already here."

This story belongs to @nometoloko on AO3. I'm just her translator.

Continues on. Things' bout to get nasty. Just understand what kind of nasty I mean. 

🍑 🤤🥵

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