Chapter - 23

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"Hey, I'm really sorry about what happened to Yoongi." It was Jin who spoke.

"It's not your fault. Nobody's fault."

"I don't mean that ... I'm talking about what happened earlier when we were talking to him about soulmates."

There was a brief silence followed by an "oh" from Namjoon.

"You have already mentioned it to me a lot of times, that this subject was something delicate for him, but at that moment I didn't give it that much importance. I thought you were exaggerating because you cared about him. I am very sorry that I acted as I did."

"I didn't like what you did." Namjoon honestly acknowledged. "But things turned out better than I expected, and it was thanks to you. You are right when you say I care about him, and maybe that concern led me to act that way as if I was talking to an eight-year-old boy instead of someone I know. Yoongi Hyung recognized how scared he was, and it's more than he ever expected to achieve. "

"I know Yoongi suffered a lot after the breakup," Jin said after a pause. "But he was not aware of how much it affected him. I'm sorry that his opinion of soulmates has been clouded by that experience."

"It wasn't easy for him and he never talks about what worries him; he keeps it inside until he can't take it anymore. But the last thing, he needs is for us to feel sorry for him, so we can only wait until he's ready and wants to share it with us. At least that's what I thought until today; you have taken him out of his comfort zone. "

"I did not do it with that intention. I think it was a matter of luck, or that I was too tired of all this shadow stuff to resist."

"Or it may be because everyone has their own way of getting things that concern them."

"Ha! I already knew that my charms were irresistible, no matter how much you all try to deny."

"I've never denied it!" He said, raising his voice a little, going from a whisper to an indignant whisper.

"Yeah, yeah, but you're not showing me enough."

Yoongi knew where all this was going.

"I can show you. Right now."

"What are you waiting for?"

Okay, it was time for Yoongi to go back to his room. Clearly, the conversation had drifted to other courses, ones that did not interest him in the least. After returning to his room with the same stealth as before, he crawled into bed and wrapped himself in the sheets, letting out a sigh.

Today had been quite a busy day; in all aspects. After his breakup with Jun, he flatly refused to talk about soulmates, as it was all too recent, and any mention of it seemed to add more insult to injury. Although there was no need for anyone to say anything, Yoongi himself was dedicated to putting salt on his own wounds. Anything, no matter how minimal, reminded him of what had happened, reminded him of the time he had spent with Jun; It reminded him they were no longer together, and that Jun continued his life with a person who was made for him.

Yoongi and Jun had been innocent and, above all, rebellious when they decided to be a couple. They wanted to defy fate; they wanted to show it that only they themselves were the ones who decided who they wanted to be with. Sometimes they would talk about it, lying on the couch and drinking a beer while watching a soap opera about two soul mates' meeting. It was too cliché and cheesy for them, but they didn't change it. Instead, they laughed, like it was a comedy. They laughed because they had the same thing; they had each other, despite not being soul mates, despite not being made for each other.

Other times they talked about it, but more seriously. They talked about the multiple possibilities and different scenarios in which they would meet their soul mate if they ever did. They did it out of curiosity. It didn't matter how pleasant the person was or how wonderful the encounter was; They were both clear that, when the time came, their relationship would prevail over their soul mate. Neither of them had said it out loud, but it was a promise implicit in their conversations, in the endings in which they stayed together despite having met their other half.

Unfortunately, Yoongi was the only one who kept that promise, if only because he still hadn't met his other half.

During the time it took for him to assimilate that Jun was being serious and that he really wanted to break up with him to leave with his soulmate, Yoongi kept quiet. He knew that no matter what he said, Jun had already decided and there was nothing to change his mind. Another part of him, the meanest, the most hurt at that moment, wanted out. He wanted to scream out his frustration and pain; he wanted Jun to also suffer during the process because he was the one who had broken the promise. He was the one who had turned his back on him to go with someone he hardly knew, but who would be with him.

But instead of doing all that, Yoongi kept quiet, holding back tears, trying to protect his pride, trying to appear strong and impassive in front of the person he loved and with whom he thought he could have everything. He was angry and felt betrayed because it seemed his love had not been enough, but he did not see himself able to vent his anger against Jun; it wouldn't have been fair. It was hard to assimilate that your partner had fallen in love with someone else, but it was something Yoongi couldn't and didn't want to, fight. If for Jun his happiness was with another person, then he would let him go, creating no scandal or destroying anything, without shouting and without reproaches; only one request.

Don't try to contact me.

Those were the last and the only words Yoongi had said to him before each of them went their way. Jun accepted them with his head bowed and his lips pursed, trying to hold back his own tears as he walked out the door with his things. In any other circumstance, he would have felt sorry for him, but now all he felt was a void in his body that he didn't know how or what to replace it with. He didn't know what to do from there; He was lost. And it went on like this for a long time.

Jin and Namjoon were right. His relationship with Jun had affected him more than he let others see, and now that he was possibly close to meeting his soul mate, he was scared. Because years ago he was very clear that he wanted nothing to do with his soul mate, but now everything was different. He hadn't changed his mind, but now he understood that feeling of rejection, of not being enough for someone else, and he didn't want that other person to feel belittled because his current life sucked.

Obviously, it was easier to think than to carry it out. If in your mind you imagine yourself having a conversation with your soulmate, you would probably say something like, "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in meeting you. It's not for you, it's for me. I have too many problems in my life and it is not fair that you get caught up in them. It is better if you go your way and seek your happiness elsewhere."

Yes, that would be a nice and delicate way to reject them. But the truth is that in those moments nothing turns out the way you think and your nerves play tricks on you, so most likely he ended up saying: "Hey, I know you've been waiting for this moment all your life, but not me. I don't give a shit about soulmates, so I'm going to do both of us a favour and pretend we've never met. I'm sure you'll find your happiness somewhere else."

Neither answer was totally true, but neither was it totally false. It's as far as he could go without having to tell him that there were a few shadows that had taken a liking to him and constantly harassed him.

And so, between thoughts of the past and of what was to come, Yoongi ended up falling asleep. Not once did he wake up because of a nightmare, he hardly moved to find a better position to continue sleeping peacefully. The most remarkable thing is that for the first time in a long time, he had a dream. And it was a shame, really, because when he woke up all he would remember is that he had dreamed of violet and gold-coloured light and that he felt safe while surrounded by it.

This story belongs to @nometoloko on AO3. I'm just her translator.

This is all you get for now. Hoped you liked it.

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