Chapter - 55

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Then he snuggled closer against him, allowing the heat that emanated from his body and from their gems, which, after a long time, were finally in sync to envelop him.

"Why does it take you so long to do something so simple? Has your brain melted or what?"

He had already been waiting for half an hour for the rest of them to arrive at their weekly meeting when they finally appeared at the door. And to top it off, they didn't even have good news.

"Easier said than done."

"Oh, come on! Don't give me that excuse now. If before we could get 50 Corrupted Gems in a week, why now we only get 10? We're not even halfway there! And that should hurt your pride if you still have it." The man said with annoyance as he gave a haughty look to those present at the table.

As much as they hated his words and glared at him with anger and resentment, none of them dared to say anything. They knew what awaited them if they dared to rebel.

"As I already said, not that easy, Yuseok."

Minus one person, apparently.

Yuseok turned to the person in question. A young woman with a strong character who did not mince words. Although at first, Yuseok had liked that part of her personality, since it helped him keep others at bay and fulfil his objectives, now it was burdensome. Lately, he couldn't stand anyone. He couldn't bear that they came with so many failures, one after another.

"Oh, really?" He asked with mock interest and soft voice as he leaned a little in his chair to get closer to the woman. They all held their breath. "Would you mind telling me what's wrong with making those kids jump into that pond scared to death? I think it's not complicated at all. We've done it before."

"It's not that easy to make them afraid!" The exasperated woman replied.

"Well, throw them in the fucking pond! You'll see how they piss on top of fear!" Yuseok yelled as he hit the table without losing eye contact with the woman.

The others at the table were visibly startled, but the woman remained impassive as if she had heard nothing. Or like she's used to it.

"And risk that parents come to claim us because we have forced their children to enter? Risk being investigated and discovered? We have to do it in a way that no one can say that it was our fault. Besides," the woman said as she leaned back in the chair, "it's not like it is necessary to continue with this system either."

"As you say?" This woman had them well worn to dare to say something like that.

"you get so fixated on the results you overlook the obvious. That we now have fewer corrupted gems is because almost no one comes, not because we don't do our job well."

"That is even worse." The man said with a hand to his face as he rolled his eyes.

"That means we have done a good job so far. Children don't want to get a gem that will only bring them the same suffering and misfortune that they see in their parents. The results may have been important before, but it is clear that this line of action is perfected and we do not need to spend so much time corrupting new gems."

"Since you know so much, what do you propose that we do now? What should our alternative action plan be?" Yuseok challenged her.

"Wait for everything to run its course and for the tree to die. With all the gems we have corrupted and the deaths we have caused, he has little time left." She replied with a shrug.

"Sit and wait. Really?" Yuseok asked incredulously.

"It's not like you don't know what I'm talking about. You can tell that you've forgotten what fieldwork is like. "

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