"Are you crazy? I can't do that, I would think that what I want is to get all his attention and that I don't want him to work outside of town. I don't want him to see me as a drag, as someone who can prevent me from succeeding and—"

"Okay Hyung, stop." Namjoon interrupted him as he grabbed him by the shoulders. "Don't go that way. You and I both know that what you're saying is not true. Jungkook would never think of you as a drag, that boy prioritizes your well-being before anything else, and I am convinced that fame and professional success would be worthless if you weren't by his side. So don't go there."

Namjoon released him when he saw that Yoongi had understood and assimilated his words.

"Don't shut up on these things, Hyung. So far the formula of saying what you really think and want has worked wonderfully for you. I don't think now is the time to stop doing it and take things for granted."

Namjoon was right. They had overcome the most difficult obstacles, from making things clear from the beginning and starting as friends, to the point of confessing their feelings. After taking such complicated steps, this should be a breeze. But old habits are tough to eradicate, and being a burden to others was still one of Yoongi's concerns.

"You're right, I'm sorry," Yoongi said as he closed his eyes tightly as if someone had hit him.

"You don't have to apologize, Hyung. We all have our insecurities and we lose our way. It is convenient that I will be here to prevent that from happening."

"I know, I know. Normally I don't have these kinds of thoughts and I'm quite independent, but lately, I've been too much... Sure, that's it!"

Namjoon jumped in his chair at the sudden change in the attitude of his friend, who had the same face as a scientist who has just discovered how to be immortal.

"Ah, I've been an idiot, I should have realized that sooner."

Even though he was berating himself, he was doing it with a smile, and that confused Namjoon who didn't understand what was going through his Hyung's head. But before he could ask him to explain, Yoongi stepped forward.

"It's because I'm stressed, Joon." The boy in question just nodded, waiting for him to finish giving his explanation. "When I'm overwhelmed with work, Jungkook is by my side to calm me down, and I think I miss his presence. Jungkook taught me to channel all these negative feelings through my gem, but it is not as effective as when he is." He finished saying with a frown on his lips.

"Now that you know what the problem is, do you feel better?"

"I'm actually still just as stressed out. And now that I know that I need Jungkook to calm me down completely, the wait is going to be eternal."

"Who would've thought that the day would come when you would cry in the corners because you miss your soul mate. If they had told me a couple of years ago, I would have pissed with laughter." Namjoon said as he shook his head in some surprise.

"I'm not crying around the corners, I'm grumpy because I have to wait, which is different. And do I have to remind you of how many letters of love and loneliness you wrote when you spent HOURS away from Jin Hyung?"

Namjoon winced at the memory and raised his hands in front of him in surrender. "Hyung, you always spoil my fun. I thought we agreed not to say anything about those moments to anyone."

"And I won't do it. I just wanted to make sure you remembered." He replied with a lopsided smile.

Namjoon rolled his eyes before they were called in by a nurse. The boy was fine. Other than the blow to the head and the bump that was forming, there was no sign of an internal injury. And as for the fainting, it was because of fatigue, something normal considering the hustle and bustle of recent days, but totally avoidable. Fortunately, everything had been a scare.

After that, the three of them left the consultation. As they were reaching the exit, they met the manager who had just arrived. As Namjoon explained what the doctor had told them, Yoongi looked at the message he had just received from Jungkook. A simple I'm on my way, Hyung who made breathing easier and his anxiety and stress gave him a little respite.

Much later, when Jungkook and Yoongi were sitting on the couch, watching TV after having dinner, Yoongi dared to talk to Jungkook. Both he and Namjoon were right: although Yoongi had associated Jungkook's presence as a remedy for stress, his gems were in a stage of euphoria, so to speak, in which they longed to be connected. 


"So did you miss me, Hyung?" Jungkook asked innocently. An innocence that was quickly replaced by a playful, fun glint in his gaze.

"You couldn't let it go, could you?" He asked with a growl.

"Of course not." The boy said with a smirk. "I really enjoy it when I do it."

"So now you like to tease me. Consider yourself lucky you're my boyfriend." Yoongi snorted like it outraged him, when in fact he was trying to change the course of the conversation.

"What I enjoy is seeing how you turn red just admitting that you missed me." The boy said before kissing him on the cheek.

"I have never said such a thing."

"Needless. I can see it on your face and feel it on my gem." The boy commented while waving his gem in the air.

And then Jungkook was kissing him, softly and delicately, with a mere brush of lips that ended too soon for Yoongi's liking.

"That's cheating." He grumbled when Jungkook pulled away a bit.

"Maybe. But I don't see that it bothers you as much as you say." The boy said with a smile.

And then Jungkook kissed him again, but this time with more intensity, running his tongue over his lips, asking permission to explore his mouth. And Yoongi willingly agreed, opening his mouth a little to allow his tongue and Jungkook's to join in a dance that only they knew, where neither of them sought to dominate the other but to enjoy the sensation. Yoongi ran his hands up Jungkook's neck to bring him even closer to him, his fingers tangled in his hair. He wanted to have Jungkook as close as possible, to feel his warmth and the weight of his body on him. He wanted Jungkook to take whatever he will give him. And that's what Jungkook did, to press closer against his body as he spread kisses down his neck, getting as reward moans and gasps of pleasure.

They might both be too tired tonight to go on, but that didn't stop them from enjoying the warmth and caresses that were provided, knowing that at some point - days, weeks - they would finish what they started.

This story belongs to @nometoloko on AO3. I'm just her translator.

More of a filler chapter. Hope you like it. 

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