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"So.... you love me so much, you are inviting me to 'hangout'-" Kokichi added the air quotes when he said it, "Once again? Or, you are pitying me and my lonely self? Which case, Sir. Saihara?" 

Shuichi rolled his eyes, "Har-har-har, Kokichi. I just want to hang out with you again, since...." 

Shuichi trailed off.

Kokichi could only smile, as he placed his phone next to his body, "Since I am fun? Interesting? Not boring? Or, or, or! Attractive~?"

"All of the above?" Shuichi moved his arms around, in a way to say more-or-less. "I guess I want to get closer to you."

Kokichi blanked out for a moment.

For a solid few seconds, Kokichi just stared at Shuichi, trying to read what Shuichi was thinking.

"That fucking whore put you up for this, didn't she?" Kokichi bit onto his lip, "Can't keep her mouth fucking closed, what the hell did I expect?"

Shuichi jumped at it, "Well- no, and yes? She told me to put more effort in actually trying to get a friendship with you, instead of judging you."

Kokichi huffed, "Doesn't make me feel better, Saihara."

Shuichi slightly pressed his hand onto Kokichi's leg, which made Kokichi shiver from the contact, and stare at Shuichi's hand.

"Kokichi, this is my choice." Shuichi started out, "I want to spend time with you. If I didn't want to spend time with you, I would have not talked to you, with or without Miu yelling at me for it. I choice to spend time with you, because I want to be friends with you, I want to understand you better, I want to know you for you. I made the choice to spend time with you. No one else forced me into it."

Kokichi looked at Shuichi, taking in every word, "You're... you're not lying..?"

"I'm not lying." Shuichi repeated.

Kokichi slightly shook in his seat, and took a deep breath, and let out a sigh. "I don't like having heart to heart conversations, Shuichi."

Shuichi smiled and nodded, and removed his hand from Kokichi.

Kokichi rolled his eyes, "Lovey dovey stuff make me sick. Almost like... puking chocolates, roses, and teddy bears sick."

"Thats a weird comparison." Shuichi commented.

Kokichi stood up with a bright smile, turning his head around, "Isn't that the purpose of comparisons? Make it weird, and make people question themselves? Make them over think your words, and want to use your words over and over. Or maybe, whenever I end up dying, that stupid comparison will hit you like a car, and drive around your head."

The whole sentence Kokichi formulated seemed to have too much information to be fake.

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