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I always have weird intros, you all can skip if you would like, but I like rambling on top! I'll probably start rambling at the bottom,

There is always a chapter underneath,,


This is short,, very short-


Shuichi frowned, going through the mail in the computer.

Going through it all, he noticed how one was a bit more important than the others.

A job email.

Shuichi didn't remember trying to get a job.

If at most, he remembered looking for one, but none interesting him.

Shuichi opened up the email.

Reading through it, it was an offering of a job.

Which was weird.

Who does that?

Emails someone offering a job opening they never asked for?

A job opening as a detective.

Sent from Kyoko Kirigiri.

Shuichi bit his lip.

Kirigiri was in a company with his uncle.

Shuichi sighed.

Hopefully this one would be better.

Shuichi started to type an email accepting the job.


Being called sunshine is nice,,

A friend called me sunshine, and,,

I loved it

So much

I am so happy because of it

I also can't focus on school work which sucks :(

I also started my adhd meds again, so yay! 

Uhm, I wanted to keep Shuichi with a job, so it's a simple short chapter


Harsh Reality Question/Advice/Support/Randomness:

If you help your friends with issues, and give them advice, and when you go through the same issue, do you follow that advice you gave your friend?

If you do - good job! I'm proud of you!

If you don't- then why?

Is it you putting everyone above you?

Do you think your advice isn't good enough?

Do you just think you deserve to go through it?

Let me say this..

If you care about your friends, and give them advice for issues, you are adding stress to yourself. Whether you know it, or not.

Sometimes, people cope by helping others, and ignore themselves.

Let me say this, if you had a clone of yourself, with the same mentality and life as you do now, would you be happy with it?

Wouldn't you try to help it?

So, what would you say to yourself?

Would your friend be okay with seeing how you are?

Help yourself.

You really can't help others, unless you are helping yourself too. 

Attempt your advice, and go through with it. You are enough.

You are as important as everyone around you.

You need to validate yourself, and help yourself.

Get help from friends, strangers, family, therapists, or whoever.

But you do matter.

Listen to the advice you give your friends. Help yourself too.

You aren't less than anyone else.

🍬 ,, Why? '' 🍬 || Kokichi Ouma X Shuichi Saihara || DanganronpaV3Where stories live. Discover now