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He never did give Angie enough time to answer.

Heck, honestly to Kokichi himself, he was sure he would have never given her enough time to answer.

He could figure out the answers himself.

And that's what he did.

It was simple, really.

Process of elimination as people call it.

What do people normally cut strings with?


He new he should never have been able to get his hands on such things. Afterall, the nurses and doctors watching after him said he had 'confirmed signs of mental illness'. -Whatever that meant-.

But, one of the older staff there, Toko, always carried some around.

And Kokichi had knowledge.

And excellent pickpocketing skills.

It wasn't too hard to steal some of the scissors, and isolate himself in the bathroom, contemplating his life choice.

Cut the string?

Or don't?

Cut it.


You heard me. Cut the fucking string.

But why? It seemed so wrong.

It could possibly not work either.

But what if it does work?

But what if it doesn't?

But if it does work: what about the possible soulmate?

Do you really want to stress your soulmate with yourself?

Well, I guess not.












Kokichi watched the string cut in half, the string dissolve away, fading, as if it never existed. The only remainder of it, was how it tightened around his finger, but would never leave to find the other end.

Kokichi regretted his choice.








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