🍬 • 4 - 6 • 🍬

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Anyways here is more fluff, since, gotta load up on niceness before the angst train comes to town-


I'm putting author stuff here for now, when we get later in the chapters- I think I will not say anything in the chapters due to them being important and I don't wanna ruin them-

But I am having an issue-

When I post the Non Canon chapters, I don't know how. They are timed with the story in certain ways, and if I post them when I get to them, you will see the ending options limit, and know whats the true ending-

But yet, I feel like that could also be very cool, because you get more anxious as you limit the options of the true ending, and when you know what it is you get concerned for how it could play out?

I think I will probably post the Non Canon chapters when I get to them, in order- so, yeah,

Now fluff chapter


Shuichi sat down at the table, next to Kaede.

Everyone was there.

Honestly, it was so nice to see everyone there for once.

Korekiyo, Himiko, and Kokichi.

Along with the rest of the group.

Kaede sat chatting to Miu, talking about their future and whatever could go on.

Kokichi picked at the mashed potatoes, and laughed at whatever Angie, Tenko, and Himiko were talking about. 

The atmosphere was nice, and relaxing.

The way Kokichi tilted up in his seat to poke at the three girls, or when he laughed.

How his nose scrunched up and he stuck his tongue out when looking at the potatoes.

The shine in his eyes.

Shuichi smiled.

Recently, Shuichi felt a bit more happy when thinking about spending time with Kokichi.

Miu tapped onto Shuichi's shoulder, roughly.

"Yo! Lovesick bitch, get your head out the clouds, Kaede is trying to fuckin' talk to ya'." 

Shuichi looked over to Kaede, he was sure his face was bright hot, "S-sorry, Kaede. I got distracted. What's up?"

Miu only snickered at Shuichi's words, and glanced over to the direction he was looking in.

🍬 ,, Why? '' 🍬 || Kokichi Ouma X Shuichi Saihara || DanganronpaV3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora