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I woke up at 1 in the morning to the sound of glass breaking. It sounded like something had been thrown, I got up and moved the dresser just enough for me to open the door a little bit. I seen broken glass on the floor and then I seen a bottle get thrown I jumped. I slowly closed and locked the door back.

I crawled back into the bed and tried to fall and stay asleep. I woke up again at 3, it was quiet now. I guess Mike fell asleep. I called Spenc cause I didn't want to stay here.


It's 3 in the fucking morning Bambi

I know I'm sorry

Why are you talking so quietly?

Can you come pick me up, please?

Why, what's wrong?

Please just come get me?

I'll be there in 20 minutes.

Don't knock on the door or anything just tell me when you pull up.

I- ok.


I hung up and sat in the bed, it was cold as hell down here. I waited for what felt like forever and then I got a text.

I'm outside

I'm on my way

I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around myself. I pushed the dresser out of the way, I stepped into the hallway and I felt something stab into my foot. I wanted to tell, but I didn't. I proceeded up the stairs and into the living room. I opened the door slowly because Mike was asleep on the couch. I locked it and then ran across the wet lawn to Spenc's car.

"Thank you" I hugged him, "is your foot bleeding" he pointed. "I stepped on some glass" I said as I pulled the shard out, it hurt but it had to be done and I ain't no bitch. "What happened here" he pressed against my eye, I flinched. "Is it bruised" I asked as I opened the mirror, "yeah, what happened" he sounded angry.

"I got hurt" I replied, "who hit you" he demanded. "Mike did, I-I don't know what was wrong with him he just started acting really aggressive" I blurted out, I wanted to cry but I didn't want Spenc to pity me. "What about the baby is it ok" he glanced at me then back at the road, "I don't know, he punched me in my stomach".

He nodded his head, he was obviously angry. "If the baby's dead..." he paused, "I'm gonna kill him" he pressed his foot harder on the gas. "What, no, why" I asked, "because you wanted that baby and he's the reason you're pregnant" he said. "But, do you have to kill Mike? I still love him, I'm just angry at him right now" I said quickly.

He sighed, "fine, I'll get Tony to see if you're okay" he nodded.


Spenc carried me in the house cause he didn't want me walking on my foot. "You're gonna tear your stitches" I complained, "I'll be fine" he said as he opened the door. Everyone was sitting on the couches in the living room they looked nervous. "Starr are you okay baby" Malissa took me out of Spenc's arms and squeezed me.

"You're crushing my ribcage" I smiled, "you'll be aight" she giggled. "Put her down Malissa" Tony said as he got up, "ok" she let my feet touch the floor. "What happened" Tony asked as we made our way, "I don't know" I sighed.

"Why did you guys leave early yesterday" Tony opened the door to the medical room for me. "He needed to go talk to this guy but when we got there they made me sit on this bench and told me I wasn't allowed to hear" I said. "Ok what happened after that" he grabbed the gel and placed it on my stomach, "I had an attitude and I kept asking him to tell me, but he kept lying and then he was talking about how he was gonna fuck the attitude out of me and I ignored him" I said quickly.

"Ok" he nodded, "and when we got home I told him I didn't want sex and he kept ignoring me and then I hit him and he punched me in the face. I tried to get away and then he hit me again... in my stomach-" Tony cut me off. "In your stomach" he repeated, "yeah, is the baby ok" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, it seems fine. I guess he didn't hit it" he said calmly, "thank god" I sighed. "Everyrhing seems pretty good so far, your belly seems to be growing kinda quick though" he seemed concerned about that, "is that bad" I asked. "No it's not" he said as he wiped the gel off.

"I'm gonna treat your foot real quick" he said, "ok" I shrugged. He cleaned out my foot and then wrapped a bandage around it. After that we went back upstairs Malissa pulled me into her lap. "Let goo" I whined and kicked at her, "no" she hugged me.

I squirmed out of her grip and crawled over to Arria who was on the phone with Mike trying to talk to him. "He's drunk right now" she whispered to me, I nodded. I sat and listened to the conversation, most of his words were slurs but apparently Ari could understand him so I let her be.

(Is it just me or does Mike ALWAYS slur his words?)

I went upstairs and fell asleep.


Y'all need to get your asses off of this app and pay attention to y'all classes.

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