On The Move

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Mike and I got back to the house. "I just killed someone" I yelled as I started to freak out. "You did good babe" Mike said rubbing my back. "The acts over don't call me babe anymore" I said trying to calm myself down. "Make me" he said with a little smirk, "I killed someone" I repeated looking at Mike. "It's not really that big of a deal... babe, it's literally kinda something I do at least 5 times a month" he patted my back.

Me: out of all of the ranges here you took me to that one.
Mike: at least you got your first headshot.
Me: why the fuck did you take me there.
Mike: because.
Me: because what?
Mike: because if you're gonna be with me you need to be tougher, that's also the only range I'm allowed in, and..
Me: and what?
Mike; nothing.
Me: tell me.
Mike: no.
Me: yes please.
Mike: if I tell you then I get to call you babe and mamas and all that stuff.
Me: fine.
Mike: my parents used to own the range, they actually owned a couple...
Me: so their in a gang?
Mike; well no but they support the opposite gang that I'm in so they kicked me out when they heard that I joined a gang.
Me: oh I'm sorry.
Mike: nah it's good ion really care bout em.

Mike and I sat around until it started getting dark. Once it got dark me and Mike closed the blinds made sure all the light were off and then we went to our rooms. Then Mike texted me.

Imma need you to stay in your room until I come and get you.

Why what's going on?

Nothing yet, start packing your bags tho and leave your ringer on your phone off.

Tell me what's going on

We might have to leave, all Imma y'all you is that our location isn't safe anymore.

Why what happened

Seen at 10:27
Mike answer.

Seen at 10:30

Know what fuck you

I love you too bby

Seen at 10:35

End of conversation

I pulled out my suit case and started packing my clothes and stuff up. Then I turned my ringer down and I charged my phone, I made my bed and then I fell asleep.

"Bambi cmon get up" Mike said shaking me. "Mhmm, what" I turned away from him. "Get up" Mike started shaking me harder. "What, why?" I pulled the blanket over my head. "Fine then" Mike pulled the blanket off and threw me over his shoulder which really hurt.

"What the fuck Mike put me down." I started kicking my legs. Mike walked into my bathroom and sat me on my sink then he went into one of my bags and threw some clothes at me. "Get ready" he walked out of my room and slammed the door. I got undressed and then I got I the shower.

 I got undressed and then I got I the shower

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