Who Are You

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A little Later that Night

I woke up to the sound of fussing, I looked to my side and seen Kulture. She must have started crying and they probably got tired of her. I smiled and then pulled the blanket over her as she stopped crying. I laid back down and started falling back asleep.


The door to the shed swung open hitting the wall. "Get off" yelled a girl, I heard someone hit someone else. "Put me down" she yelled, I could see a bunch of guys struggling at the door. There was a girl in one of their arms she was kicking trying to get down.

They dropped her and then she stood up, "fuck all of you" she said as she tried to run. She was grabbed by her hair and then thrown into the shed. The door slammed shut and she started banging on it cursing out the guys who were all laughing on the other side.

She slumped into the floor and buried her head into her hands. "Who are you" I asked hiding Kulture just incase she was a psychopath, "my names Talyeh" she said softer. "Where are you I can't see" she started looking around, "I'm right here" I said as I moved into the dim light from the moon that spilled through the window.

"Oh" she sat across from me, "what's your name" she asked. "Starr, you can call me Bambi" I smiled weakly, "how'd you get in here" she asked. "I was kidnapped" I said quietly I looked up at the camera that was above the shed door, "oh, I tried shot Kobe" she shrugged.

"Is he dead" I asked a little bit of hope sparking, "no" she pouted. "When you get here" she Talyeh asked, "um, we got here yesterday" I looked back at the camera above my door. "We" she furrowed her half shaved eyebrows.

"Uh, yeah my daughter" I uncovered cover and shown her to Talyeh, "awee she's pretty" she smiled. "Can I hold her" she asked, "sure" I shrugged. I handed the baby to her and it seemed to calm her down more.

Talyeh was really pretty, she had shoulder length brown curly hair. She was about 5'3 (idk her actual height). And had very pretty brown eyes.

(Incase you didn't know what she looked like also just to let you know that's MY wife🥵😘🥰)

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(Incase you didn't know what she looked like also just to let you know that's MY wife🥵😘🥰)

"Wait... you said your names Starr, right" she asked as she handed back Kulture, "yeah why" I asked. "I have this friend and he's dating this girl name Starr" she smiled, "is his name Micheal" I smiled. "Yeah" she nodded her head, "well that's my boyfriend" I shrugged.

"You look just like he said you did" she said excitedly, "wait... where is Mike" she asked. "Jersey, he had an assignment" I replied, if it weren't for that stupid mission I wouldn't be in this situation. "Oh, well ina go to bed" she yawned, "goodnight" I smiled.

"Night" she replied as she kicked off her shoes and pulled her blanket over her shoulder. I did the same and fell asleep within a couple of minutes.


"Is this her" I heard a voice ask, "yes" Kobe replied. "Her names Starr, right" asked the voice, "yessir and the baby is Kulture" Kobe replied. "How old are they" asked the voice, "the mom is 18 the baby is a couple of weeks I think" Kobe replied. "Why do you have a baby sleeping in here" the person sounded disgusted, "I- it was making too much noise in the house and it doesn't cry when she's with her mom" Kobe explained.

"Well give the mom her own room with the baby" replied the person, "but I-" Kobe was interrupted. "Make arrangements for her to live properly" said the voice, I was liking this person. I pretended to wake up and then I looked up at Kobe and the other guy he was with.

"Good morning miss Carter" said the guy, he crouched down so that we could see eye to eye. I stayed quiet and looked down remembering those stupid rules. "Talk" Kobe said as he kicked me in my stomach, I placed my hands on my stomach and started gagging as if I were going to throw up.

I hadn't eaten though so thankfully nothing came up. "Good morning" I groaned, "why didn't you talk when he first said something" Kobe asked. "Because you told me I wasn't allowed to speak to people or look them in their eyes" I spat back at him, he licked his lips and then swung his foot back and it ended up in my side.

"Stop, there's no need to be violent" said the guy, "my names Nicholas you can call me Nic" he stuck his hand out. I looked at Kobe for permission, I wasn't gonna get kicked again. "Go ahead" he mumbled, I shook his hand and managed to give him a weak smile.

"Am I allowed to call you by your name" I asked him, he looked at me weird and then looked at Kobe. "Why wouldn't you be allowed to say my name" he asked, "Ko- I mean he told me I wasn't allowed to say anyone's name" I said as I looked at his shoes, they were nice.

"Is that true" Nicholas stood up and looked at Kobe, "she hasn't eaten in a day and she hit her head she also doesn't wanna be here, she obviously being delusional and lying" Kobe scoffed and then gave me a death stare. "Ok" Nicholas nodded his head, "well I approve of her she may work in the club but she needs to be treated like the other girls in that house" Nicholas said.

"Yessir" Kobe nodded and walked Nicholas to his car, why was that Nic guy so nice? Kobe came back with a smirk painted on his face "you fucked up, get up" he growled, "but what about Kul-" I was cut off. "Talyeh will watch her" he said as he snatched my arm and pulled me into the house.

He told Talyeh what to do and then brought me up to his room. "Take your clothes off and get in the bed" he demanded, "Kobe, please I'll do anything else" I begged. "I don't want you to do anything else so do what I said" he growled, "please" I pleaded as a tear slipped down my cheek. "Do it" he said s he hit me, I nodded my head.

I hesitantly stripped and then climbed into the bed, I grabbed a pillow to cover my body. "Put the pillow down" he said as he locked the door, "I-I I'm sorry, please don't do thi-" I was cut off. "Your mine not Mikes anymore ok, I do what I want to do to you now" he had his hand around my neck, I slowly dropped the pillow and he gazed at my body licking his lips.

"Since this is your first time fucking up I'll make this a little easier for you" he injected a needle into my thigh, "now turn around and arch your back" he demanded. I stared at him hoping that the medication would make everything completely painless. "Do it" he said before back handing me, I did as told and I could hear him getting undressed.

Lucky for me the drug kicked in and I could only feel him painfully push himself inside of me and after that I couldn't feel or remember a thing. I knew I'd be in unbearable pain by time I woke up.


I'm over hea binge watching Naruto and acting like I don't have a test and homework that's due by tomorrow I needa get my priorities straight

But how y'all like the chapter? 💔

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