Trusted 2

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Me: don't Mike.
Kobe: oh so you're okay with dying.
Me: you son of a bitch.
Kobe: watch your mouth.

He shoved the gun harder into my head.

I moved my head and then the other guy who had his gun to my head loaded his. I sat there and watched Mike who was staring at me with his gun still to the other person's head.

Kobe: cmon Mike just let him.
Marc: you let him go and we'll let her go and won't hurt her.
Me: we all know their lying Mike.
Mike: I'm sorry Bambi.

He took his gun from the guys head.

Kobe: smart choice.
Me: I said don't.
Mike: be quiet Bambi.

Kobe told the guy to take his gun away from my head and he did. "You said you'd let her go" Mike said aiming the gun at Marc. "Oh did I, my bad I lied" Marc said. "Drop the gun and step and maybe I will" Kobe said looking at me.

Me: Mike d-
Kobe; shut up!

Mike dropped the gun. Nicholas immediately grabbed it.

Kobe: dumbass
Mike: keep thinking that.
Me: I said don't Mike.
Kobe: I told you to shut the hell up.

Kobe took his gun from my head and grabbed my arm. "Ow, get off" I pulled from him. "Watch it... what chu need this for" he asked grabbing the gun the was in the back of my shorts. I stared at him without saying anything, "you gonna answer me" he handed the gun to Marc. I continued to examine his ugly ass face.

He reached into his pocket but didn't pull anything out. All of a sudden Mike and Nicholas started fighting. "Move Nic" Kobe said bluntly. Nic didn't move, "move outta the way Nic" Kobe yelled, but the boys kept fighting.

I seen Kobe pull out his gun and shoot. I covered my ear that the gun was shot near. I watched both as boys fell to the ground, I didn't know who was shot I just knew there was blood.

They continued fighting then Nicholas punched Mikes leg and Mike yelled. He was the one who was shot, his left leg was covered in blood. Then without thinking I pulled away from Kobe and tried to get Nic off of Mike.

Kobe pulled me back and stabbed something into my neck. I put my hand up on my neck to pull Kobe's hand away. Once he pulled away I seen a needle in his hand. "Fuck" I grabbed my neck I could feel what ever was injected into my neck start to take effect.

"This..." Kobe held up the needle "is an anesthetic which will kick in in about..." he looked at his phone "4 minutes and 31 seconds but since you're short it might kick in a lil sooner" he smiled and threw me the needle. I felt my legs weaken and all of a sudden my body felt to heavy to support.

"It'll paralyzed and knock you out if you overdose on it" Kobe said scrolling thru his phone. "You guys can leave" Marc said to a crowd of guys as he kicked them out. Now it was only Mike, Marc, Nicholas, Kobe, and me in the room.

I limped over to Mike and Nic who were still fighting. "Move" I yelled as I used all of my might to push Nic off. Nicholas moves out of the way and kicked Mike in his injured leg one last time. "Ahh" he yelled grabbing for his leg, "it's okay" I said as I collapsed on the ground beside him.

My waist and down was temporarily paralyzed. "I'm sorry Starr" he said sitting himself up. "Don't be sorry" I hugged him, "are y'all done" Nicholas asked trying to pull me off. "Fuck off" Mike said clinging onto me. I hung onto Mike as hard as I could while Nic struggled to pull me off.

Mike looked at me and I watched a tear fall down his cheek, I wiped it away with my thumb. "Let go" he said quietly, "what, no" I held on tighter. "Let go Starr" I could hear the hurt in his voice. He took his arms from around my waist and Nicholas pulled me away.

Nicholas put me on his shoulder and then the medication started kicking in strongly I punched Nic's back as hard as I could for as long as I could until my arms were paralyzed and then everything went black.


I watch Nicholas take my baby away. I wiped my tears away and stood up and supported myself on the nightstand.

Me: where are y'all takin her?
Kobe: somewhere.
Me: where?
Kobe: I don't know, but for now she's in the trunk of my car.
Me: what are you gonna do with me?
Kobe: we'll call your friends you're gonna get your bags and leave and you will never say anything about Starr.
Me: fine.
Kobe: give me you're phone.
Me: it's over there.

Kobe stabbed my phone and handed it to me I unlocked it and passed it back. Kobe called Captain.

Cap: wassup man.
Kobe: Mike just got shot.
Cap: fa' real?
Kobe: yeah we need you to come get him.
Cap: aight I'm on my way.

Kobe threw my phone to me and then left the room. I checked the time and saw that it was 2:17 am then I got a notification.

Toyota Camry


ese es el auto en el que estoy
(That's the car I'm in)


se iban a las 12
(We're leaving at 12)

I'll come back for you

Read at 2:30

I'll bring captain, babyface, trigger and Fuego

Read at 2:32

You there Bambi

Read at 2:33

Answer me

Dont text me

I turned my phone off and then Nicholas walked in. "Pack your shit" he threw my suit case and then grabbed one of Bambi's. I quickly opened the suitcase pulled a gun and shot him. He dropped to the ground. I dragged him into another room.

Before I limped my way back into the room I watched Kobe and Marc kick out the people from the party and started cleaning up.

30 Minutes Later Bambi

I kept going in and out of consciousness. I texted Mike and waited for a reply that I didn't get. Once I was sure no one was gonna open the trunk of the car I tried untying the ropes on my wrists and legs but that was no use.

All of a sudden the trunk swung open and I seen Kobe. "Stay still" he said as he injected two more needles into my arm and another into my leg.

"Maybe that'll teach you to stop kicking" he started closing the trunk back. "Why..are you doing this" I asked, he looked me dead in my eyes "cause I can" he kissed the top of my head and then slammed the trunk close and everything went dark.

A Little Later Mike

My boys picked me up. I threw me and Bambi's suitcases into the trunk and then I told them what was up.

Cap: so you're tellin me that Kobe shot you?
Me: yeah.
Baby face: so where's Starr?
Me: in the trunk of that Toyota Camry.
Hoops: let's get her then.

He climbed out of the car and picked open the trunk. "How'd you do dat" Tye asked, "I know how to pick locks" he said grabbing Bambi. "Pass her" I held out my arms to grab her. "What's wrong wit her" baby face asked. "Some medication that Kobe injected in her" I said.

We drove to one of Fuego's places and he cleaned up my wound and helped out Bambi.

Sorry for not updating I kinda forgot what I was writing about and then I started procrastinating again. There's prolly hella typos

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