🩸Mission Accomplished🩸

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"I don't feel good" I whispered to Mike, "you're just nervous" he rubbed my back. The van stopped and Vallyk started talking.

"This is the pill that y'all gonna take" he said showing us a pill capsule, "when does it kick in" Arria asked. "In 2-5 minutes" Spencer replied, "alright then" Kobe took the container and opened it, he took a pill and then passed the bottle on until it was empty.

After we took the medication we waited a little bit and then climbed out of the van. "Aight y'all ready" Prisila yelled as she jumped out of the other van. "Shut the hell up Riley" Vallyk said, "my bad" she raised up her hands.

"Y'all ready" Destiny asked, "yes ma'am" Manny replied. "Let's do this then" Malissa said. Everyone broke off into their little groups and blocked their exits. "You remember the new plan right" Khris  asked over the ear piece , "yessir" I replied. "Ight you can go in now" he said.

Khris was the watch out for me, he had monitors in the other van that were somehow connected to the cameras in the facility.

I walked into the building; there was a guy sitting at a desk. "Hi Sam" he waved, I hesitated for a minute then I realized he was talking to me. "Hey" I waved back, "can you wait a minute" he said.

I stopped I felt my heart begin to beat faster, "what are you doing" Khris asked me. I shushed him and turned to the guy, "hey you look...nice" he said shyly. Obviously he had a lil something for this Sam girl. "Um the meetings been moved to room 206 and the code is 9812" he handed me a really big folder. "Thank you" I smiled and then started walking away; I had just made it to the stairwell when I heard yelling.

"Well who the hell was that" I heard the guy yell, "how am I supposed to know" I heard the girl who was probably Sam yell. I sprinted down the stairs and down a short hallway until I got to room 206. I was about to put in the code when I heard this loud ass alarm go off.

"Damn it get the hell outta there" Khris yelled into the earpiece; I was already way ahead of him though. I ran back through the hallway and up the stairs. I ran back into the lobby "there she is" I heard the guy yell. And once again I was running as hard as I could.

I sprinted down to the exit that Mike and Spenc was at. "Bambi" I heard Spencer yell, "be quiet" I ducked behind him. The building was filled with a bunch of gas and it still made it hard to breath and even harder to see.

"I think she went down here" someone yelled. Mike raised his gun, I lowered it."you can't even see your target so how are you gonna shoot them" I said, "what are we supposed to do wait til' they get closer" mike asked. "Yes" Spencer and I said in unison.

We heard footsteps, then Mikes inpatient ass quickly raised his gun again and I heard it go off. "Michael" I hissed, "she's down there" said a girl. There was a bunch of gunshots and then there was silence.

Spencer crept forward, he was only about one foot at first, then two, then three, then four, until he was six or seven feet away. Then shots were fired, I watched Spenc's body jerk back a couple of ties and then he fell back. I got up and ran up to him out of instinct to see if he was alright. "Spencer, are you okay" I asked him trying to see if he was still alive or at least conscious. The smoke was so much clearer where we were compared to where Mike was.

I heard and seen people turn the corner and look dead at me and Spenc. "Shh they can't see you if you don't move" Spencer said, the people moved away "I think she left" I heard them say. "Still get everyone who's still alive out" said someone else, Mike finally walked up to me and Spence. "Put some pressure on the wound in his leg for me" Mike said, I took one of Spencer's bandanas off of his hip and tied it around his leg.

Mike ripped Spencer's shirt and tied it around his chest and stomach. Spencer didn't react, "aye Spencer" I tapped him. I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not, I checked his pulse and he was still alive.

"We should go to the others" Mike said, "nah we gotta stay here" Spenc said. "He's right" I replied, if we move him he'll bleed more" I said. "Okay then" Mike nodded.

Two And A Half Hours Later

Me and Mike carried Spenc into the van; "damn nigga you always get shot" Ahiella said, "that's cap" Spenc said. "Aight ima give you an anesthetic real quick" Tony said, "okay" Spence replied. "What's yo blood type" Tony asked Spencer, "uh a positive" he replied.

"Damn it" Tony said, "what's wrong" Spencer asked. "I used the rest of that when you got shot a little while ago" Tony replied, "how bad is it" I asked. "Possible fatal, I'm pretty sure he's lost too much blood, which is the only thing making it almost fatal" Tony said grabbing a pair of tweezers.

"You better hold onto something" Tony said, I felt Spenc's hand grab onto mine really tightly. I watched Tony pull the bullets out of Spencer and then I felt that same sick feeling in my stomach but this time it was worse. I looked away a buried my face into Mikes shoulder, "what's up" he asked as he wrapped an arm around me. "I feel sick" I whined, "it's okay we're almost there" Mike said.

A Little Later

"Hey, cmon let's go"Mike said softly as he tapped me, "where are we" I asked Mike. "We're at Khristian's place" he locked the doors to the van and we went inside. I collapsed on a couch beside Arria "what's wrong ladybug" she asked me, "my stomach hurts" I groaned.

"Im sorry ladybug" she stroked my head which was in her lap. Arria always called me ladybug, she said it was because she didn't want to call me what other people call me. I liked Arria she was mad funny and she was mean to everyone else except me.

"Aye can you look at Starr when you're done with Spenc" Mike asked Tony, "yeah she can come down now, we just had to insert an IV and stitch him up real quick" Tony said. I got up and followed after Tony we went down into a little room which looked kinda like a hospital room.

"You can go sit on that bed right there" Khris pointed, "ight" I sat down. "Ima run a couple test and then we'll see what's up" Tony said, "ok, how's Spencer doing" I asked. "I'm alright" said a tired voice, "aye you're alive, you in pain" I asked him. "Yeah but I'm chillin" he weakly chuckled which was followed by a wince.

"Can you lay down real quick" Tony asked, "yup" I laid back. "Tell me if this hurts" he said and he started slightly poking different parts of my stomach; "that hurt" he asked, "nah" I replied, "okay then, we're gonna do a ultrasound on you" he put on a pair of gloves.

Five Minutes Later

Khris applied some really cold gel onto my stomach and then explained. "This is a transducer" he waved the little wand thing in his hand, "this is gonna help you see what's going on" he said. "What's the gel for then" I asked, it helps the transducer glide against your skin. "Oh okay" I replied, he placed the transducer into my stomach and moved it around he looked back at the monitor a couple of times.

"Wait, wait, go back a little" Tony said, Khris moved the wand back a little. "Come here" he waved Khris over. I was trying to look at the computer but Khris was blocking me, I heard the boys discussing something but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Bambi" Tony said, "wassup" I replied. "You can wipe the gel off then come here" he said, "okay". I did what he said and then I walked up to them, "are you a virgin" Khris asked. "No, why" I looked at the screen but I didn't know what I was looking at. "Have you let Mike-" I cut Khris off, "are you thinking what I think you're thinking" I said.

"Whatchu thinkin Starr" Spenc asked, "I think I'm possible pregnant" I looked back a Spencer. "We was thinking the same damn thing" he said jokingly, "we don't know if that's true" Khris said. "But what if it is" I crossed my arms, "just don't tell Mike until you're sure" Tony said. "Or you can just wait until you're like 5 months in and then tell him, cause then he can't do shit about it" Spencer said. "I like Spenc's idea" I said as I handed Tony the towel.

Ahhhhhhhhhh I haven't updated in a minute. But there's a part two to this chapter which I'm prolly gonna finish tonight idk yet. How y'all doin?

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