Chapter 63 - Is NASA hiring right now?

Start from the beginning

"Is that so? So you're telling me that if I take one step, well, fly a step closer you're going to pull the trigger OR if I don't listen to your absurd demand, you're also going to pull the trigger. Not giving me much of an option here are you now."

"You have no option if you want zero casualties."

"Is that so?"

The other two didn't reply, staring at me. It's really hard to read their emotions through the mask but if I were to take a wild guess, they were sending me a real mean glare.

"Now come here and–"

I cut the other man/female off immediately with very important words of my own. "Let's play a game."

"Huh?" I sniggered at the very flustered tone of the robber and continued onwards.

"I said let's play a game. It's a very simple game."


"You have no option." A bit of Raziel's voice mingled with mine, giving off a deep and demonic tone. The entire room chilled, leaving only the strong-minded unaffected. The tone left no room for discussion and by the silence from the other party, it seemed they understand that.

"As mentioned before, it's a very simple game. Let's test who's faster..."


"The bullet or... me."


Instantly, I was behind the two robbers (who were conveniently huddled together) and I karate chopped on the wrists of the occupied hands. They howled in pain, but it was intensified by ten folds when I showed absolutely no mercy and I broke their necks... with an even more intensified karate chop (courtesy of Raziel). Like their friends, they slumped on the floor and joined the two hostages, who were looking up at me with fear, gratefulness and confusion.

The human eye was really good showing varying emotions in a span of two seconds. It was quite impressive.

The cold silence was settled again (minus the sirens in the background and the annoying megaphone spewing some bs) and used the opportunity to go back into the vaults to deal with any hidden accomplices. Luckily, the two I just had dealt with happened to be the last of them and a huge exhale of relief escaped out.

Time to face the crowd. Which was so much scarier than dealing with a bunch of unprepared robbers.

I flew back up, hovering two metres above the marble top counters and observing the people (minus the-man-who-shall-not-be-named). The general consensus was the now ex-hostages were displaying looks of either awe or fear, all in absolute silence and it was very fucking awkward.

"Maybe I should've kept you in your cage a bit longer..."

"That's only because of you're an awkward bean who's contradictory to yourself half the time" The demon sounded very bored and it made me want to strangle him. Again.

I sputtered out my response. "I-I'm not an awkward bean! And what do you mean I'm contradictory to myself?

"Legit five minutes ago you were annoyed that your enemies were talking among themselves whilst ignoring you and now you want to shrivel up in a manmade hole and die?"

Curse this motherfucker. Why is he right?

"Curse you motherfucker. It's probably your fault."

"MY FAULT?!" Raziel shrilled out. "How the fuck is this my fault?"

"Your attention whoreness is clearly rubbing not to me. It's not appreciated I'm telling you now."

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