22. Clan Kelley's New Export

Start from the beginning

Kaitlin: "Alright then. Come on out. I'm not gonna cut you."

Sero and Kirishima get up and walk over and Kirishima stops hardening his skin as they meet Inspector Lau.

Kaitlin: "Thanks for the distraction. Gave me the second I needed to take care of this filth."

Kirishima: "Are you alright? He was about to slice you up."

Kaitlin: "He was, I'm fine. I just needed a second to catch my breath and find my files."

Sero remembers something way earlier. Back in the hideout when the Axinite and Clinohumite were on a mission, they sent videos of Kaitlin's reports.

Sero: "Wait a minute. You're Kaitlin Lau! We saw your videos and your- your recordings."

Kirishima: "Oh yeah. It's pretty manly how you decided to take on these guys on your own."

Kaitlin: "It wasn't always on my own... Who the hell-- You're DedSec, aren't you? You tracked me to this slaughterhouse?"

Kirishima: "Huh? Oh, no, no we're following an um... An important person who works for us. He was taken by these guys and he ended up here. And, surprising that this is where all the missing people of the city end up. And how they ended up."

Kaitlin: "Then I'm sorry. I don't think there's much hope for finding him alive. The Kelleys have got a sick little operation going. A kind of human organ black market. I've been investigating them for months... And they got my f*cking files. G*d, I feel like shit."

Sero: "Um, it's best to rest. We'll have to call our friends. One of them will come and help you get out of here. Kirishima and I will find Ángel and we'll help find your files, ok? They seem important."

Kaitlin: "Everything I've gathered on Mary Kelley. Almost enough to take her down."

Sero: "Hey, I think we should team-up. You know, join forces. Because we want to bring her down too. Get her to stop harming innocent people."

Bagley: "Alright. An operative is on their way to escort inspector Lau. So, let's find Ángel and Inspector Lau's files."

Kirishima: "Here we go."

Kaitlin: "I'll wait for your guy in here. And... Thanks, for your help. I'm glad we're joining forces."

They hear someone whistling and they enter another room where they see a Clan Kelley surgeon cutting up a corpse and wiping some blood off him. Sero and Kirishima look in disgust and shock.

Kirishima's POV

What the hell is he doing?! It's so nasty. I should probably inform Sero that I'll be taking him out first. I'll tap his shoulder.

Sero: "Hm?"

"I'll go take him out. Wish me luck."

Then suddenly, Bagley's on the line. He then speaks up to us.

Bagley: "There's no doubt about it This whole operation is meant to harvest organs. Clan Kelley is chopping off the parts they want and burning the leftovers."

Sero's POV

That is so disgusting! I really want to puke but I have to hold it. I'm wishing Kirishima luck to take that guy out...

3rd Person POV

Kirishima quietly walks into the room and he punches the surgeon in the nape, knocking him out cold.

Surgeon: "Oof!"

Kirishima: "Got you. Oof, it smells bad here."

Sero: "Yeah it's because the bodies in here are rotting... man, it smells so awful! Come on let's go."

They enter another room where there are 2 Clan Kelley guards storing organs on shelves.

Clan Kelley guard: "Ah, f*cking shit. The smell, man. I ain't having pork again."

Clan Kelley guard 2: "Will you shut your gob. I'm gonna throw up if you keep talking shite. Bad enough we're on disposal, I don't need to hear that."

Clan Kelley guard: "Can't help it, mate. This stench sticks with you, yeah?"

Suddenly, Sero uses his tape quirk and ties up the guards.

Clan Kelley guard: "Huh? HEY WHAT THE-


Clan Kelley guard 2: "Holy-


Clan Kelley guard 2: "Agh!"

The guards are knocked out by Kirishima and they look around the room. Then they realize something.

Sero: "He must be in the other room where those decaying bodies are... I can't believe it. Hey, there's something over there."

Kirishima sees what Sero was talking about and he walks over to a drive and he hacks into it and takes data from it using his phone. It turns out that those are Kaitlin Lau's files.

Bagley: "Well done, you got the files! The inspector will be impressed. Now let's find Ángel before one of us loses their lunch."

They enter the room and observe the corpses again and the 2 boys share looks of disgust.

Sero: "Their faces are all sliced and bashed in. It's so gnarly... You must have some sort of facial reconstruction thing."

Bagley: "Take a picture and I can run the key details pas various databases."

Sero: "What? Ugh, this is going to be so awful."

He takes a picture of the corpse and Bagley runs data on it.

Bagley: "Negative."

Kirishima takes a picture of a corpse on the last one in the end. It shows that the match is found.

Bagley: "Unfortunately, I must confirm that this is indeed Ángel López."

Sabine: "Shit... Ángel. He knew the risks, and I did too but... Never thought DedSec would get caught up in this. Mary Kelley is praying on London's most vulnerable. She's a f*cking monster. Taking her out needs to be a DedSec priority."

Bagley: "Now get out of here before someone decides to turn you into minced meat. Chop-chop."

Kirishima: "Yeah, we are leaving and we are definitely not coming back."

They leave the area and the building and rush outside onto the streets. Then they are contacted by Kaitlin Lau.

Kaitlin: "DedSec? Kaitlin Lau here. I wanted to... thank you. I'd be nothing but an anatomy lesson by now."

Bagley: "You'll be happy to know that Inspector Lau has been escorted to a nearby refuge, and is getting her wounds treated."

Kaitlin: "I'll be fine. Still a little lightly from whatever they gave me, and frankly a little stunned that we've joined forces."

Then Harry is on the line from the hideout.

Harry: "DedSec working with the police? This is insane, man! Well, you're not a cop anymore inspector but... you get what I mean. We won't let that bitch kill more people."

Kaitlin: "Exactly. You have an organization. I have information... and some backing from powerful people. Pool our resources and we might just take her down. Mary Kelley's no petty criminal."

Sero: "Hm, we should get together and talk about the files."

Bagley: "I'll sync with Inspector Lau and prepare a briefing."

To be continued...

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