Episode 55

69 3 0

(Y/n's pov)

I hang on these walls all night and all morning until I heard the sound of footsteps. Praying it's not tobias, I looked up and thank the gods it wasn't. It was gael standing there. They let him inside and he smiled up at me. "How are you feeling?" I rolled eyes. "Like shit." I sighed and shake my wrist and he sighed. "Just hang in there..." silence lingered awkwardly for a moment. "Sorry." I just laugh. "I was kind of funny." I said an he just smiled. "Your trials are today. You think you can wait for a little while? I'm trying to convince them to let me be your lawyer..." I nodded at him and he smiled, reaching his hand up and caressed my cheek. I sadly looked down at him and we both sighed.
"Just...wait." he left my cell and I continue to wait there for three more hours until they open back up again and I see several guardians come inside and let me down and dragged me away to the court room. I see gael in the middle and standing by the table waiting for me. He looked at me and weakly smiled as did I. I stand next to him and he put his arm around me comfortingly.
"Everyone is here, Finn, genesis, and Sawyer." I looked around the room for them and saw them on the right side sitting at the top row of the seats.
They all slightly waved at me with weak smiles on their faces. I slightly waved back sadly and keep my eyes on Sawyer as he does me and he mouths: 'I love you' I mouth back saying 'I love you too.' The council comes in and takes their seats. Poe stares down at me and puts his glasses on. "Y/n l/n, you are here today because you have been caught in the act of terrorism and treason." One council member named lavender says. "What say you?" She asked and looked at me, the elderly woman had purple hair and purple eyes with a monocle on. "I've found things you council members have done that I did not agree with. That it all." I tell them coldly and she just hummed and shakes her head. I then spotted my mother by the right side staring at me sadly, shaking her head. I sadly look at her as well and look back at the council. "The terrorism was you started a rebellion against us? You realize that sparked fear in everyone?" Another council member named ferel says with a raised brow. "The only person that was scared was you people." I say, yet again with a cold expression on my face which he scoffed. Of course he had nothing else to say. Because i was right.
"The treason part...you're working with the fallen angels." Poe said and folded his arms. "What say you in that regard?" He asked me and I sighed. "They did nothing to deserve falling to the underworld to be damned there for eternity." He hummed and wrote this stuff down with his feather pen.
There was a long silence in the room.
"Alright, speak." Poe said a gestured to gael. "Why should we not punish this young woman right here?" He questioned and gael looked at me.
"Very well, if you do not mind, I will be citing my sources from the law book which was renewed at the beginning of the century." Gael started and poe seemed to scrunch his face a bit. "Is there a problem?" Gael asked, looking at him, hatred hidden in his eyes as he stared at the corrupted man in front of us. Poe shakes his head. "If I may say, the term you all may use terrorism is incorrect. The correct term for terrorism is: Intended acts of violence to induce fear." Gael stated as he read from the dictionary that was once again updated. Lavender seemed to be a little annoyed by this. "The term you were using that's outdated by 1,000 years ago was: the act of violently attacking ones government out of emotional belief." I still can't believe they were still using this term though the law and definition was updated to keep the peace. It was really rediculous to see them so angry.
"You have been using an incorrect definition for the word terrorism. I hope you can agree with me, no?" Tobias even had an annoyed look on his face as he looked gael with so much anger for him. To think that them both being such good friends, they would be on opposite sides.
"Sure, we can agree." Lavender says and write stuff down on some paper. "Then you will take that accusation off of her report?" Gael stated, they all seemed to freeze up for a moment but whispered amongst themselves. This gone on for awhile before one of the council members, kalel, started to speak. She was soft spoken and very calm and peaceful. But the fact she was with a corrupted council made me dislike her. "We will take that accusation off the report, yes. But the act of treason will not. If you have something to defend of her?" Gael nodded and sorted through the law book and also a history book. The history book of which told us what happened with the fallen.
"If i may, I'd like to take a little history lesson with you all." They all nodded and he flipped through the pages and found the few spots that were the most important. "In dated back 3,000 years ago, we have decided to make the government in which was lead by a group of individuals that will decode was is best with the best interest of the public and the gods." Gael started, the council nodded and went along with it. "You 7, Poe, lavender, kalel, ferel, damon, gaston, and ashe were selected top votes to be top of the council." He said and read through more. "It used to be more, maybe...15? Yet dropped so far to 7. But no matter. You've been around for around...2,000 years. Then here, it states that you had banished a good 3rd of the population of angels, get this: all of those angels were innocent." The court gasped in shock as they stared at the council in shock. "So if you are to tell us she committed and act of treason, that accusation would be false. Because by logic, all of those innocent angels who fight everyday to get back home, are not fallen, but the exact same as we are." The whole room mumbled amongst themselves in pure shock as they stared at the council with horror. The council scrunched their faces and looked at each other. Poe kept eye contact with gael with hatred in his eyes. Even Tobias was shocked. Me and tobi locked eyes for a moment but I broke that pretty quickly.
"We are not so different from them. They bleed the same as we do. So how I see it, y/n l/n is innocent. If you really want to take it there..." he started to flip the pages of the law book and pointed at a section that no one would read. "Public is more than capable, or able to form a lawful assembly if noticed to have corruption in their council, to disband or overthrow said council to rebuild anew." He said as he showed everyone in the room as evidence this was a real law and or act that was bestowed upon us.
"Who wrote such things...?" Poe whispered to himself.
"The goddess Athena herself. You all ever wonder why the gods have went silent-" before gael could continue, poe interrupted him. "Okay okay that's enough!" His voice boomed in the court. "We will discuss the matter of which involves y/n l/n and the accusation of treason. This court will now go into recess." Lavender stated and they all stood up and went to another room.

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